Luca sleepover part 1.

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You are invited to a sleepover with me and luca and his friends you even can find out who have a crush on you have fun taking the quiz and please have fun.

In tail part 2 there is more drama to it I laughed willia making this one its so funny I couldn't stop laughing okay in tell then see you in part 2 bye.

Created by: Onalee Smith
  1. Me: hi quiz taker your invite to a sleepover make sure you have pj's in tell then see you. Y/n: okay what to pack?
  2. When you arrive at my place. Me: hi y/n come on in .Me: alberto is up stairs .Me: where should we go first?
  3. After the tour. Me: okay what do you guys want to do?Luca: hide and seek?Alberto: truth or dare?
  4. During hide and seek you were trying to hide. Y/n: were should I hide?
  5. After hide and seek. Me: okay what movie genre do you want to watch?Luca: mystery. Alberto: horror.
  6. During the movie. You jump on some one. During the jumpscare.
  7. Me: awwwwww love birds!Y/n:*blanket over your head and scoots over to someone *.
  8. After the movie. Me: so what do you want to eat?Alberto: pasta. Luca: pizza.
  9. After eating. Me: so who do you want to be roommates with?
  10. Wakes out in the pj's you pack. Y/n: goodnight.

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