Sleepover with the HP boys (Part 1) (RP included) Best Ever!

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Fred and George are having a sleepover and you’re invited. They will lots of role playing and some action in the end! The art is not mine. The person who drew the houses is AniaArtNL.

I’m giving shout outs so if you want a shout out please rate and give a little paragraph about the quiz! Photos are not mine! Please no copyright. The only things that belong to is Dingo, Ember, and the events.

Created by: Liberty Christianity
  1. Ember-Hi guys! Made another Harry Potter quiz! I’ll be joining as well! Fred and George are having a sleepover in the Room of Requirement! Btw girls are all sick’s just you and me and all the boys. You ready?
  2. Ember-“well we are here! Hey guys!” Everyone-“hi” Ember-“everyone this is (YN), (YN), this is Draco, the blonde prick.” Draco-“hey!” Ember-“jk, This is Harry, or scarhead. Tom is the isolated teen in the corner. Those two redheads are Fred and George, the best pranksters ever! That pretty boy over there is Cedric. The one stuffing his face with food is Ron. That boy with a plant is Neville. And finally that boy looking bored is Viktor. So yeah so who ya wanna hang out with?”
  3. A boy with scruffy brown hair and blue eyes walked in with a grin on his face. “I’m here!” He shouted. “Who invited you?” Ember asked harshly. Fred/George-“we did” “Why in the name of Merlin did you two do that?” Ember asked. “To get on your nerves,” the twins replied. “Urrrh! Fine he can stay! But! No gross Lovey Dovey stuff! Got it Dingo!” Dingo winked and said, “you got it princess.” Ember groaned. “Draco ask your question before I decide to murder you.” “Don’t talk to me like that Half-blood. But since we’re on blood status, what’s yours?”
  4. “So many pure Bloods! Oh btw I’m a halfblood. Dingos pureblood. Anyway, Fred, George? “Hogwarts house?” They both asked. “I’m Ravenclaw/Slytherin,” Ember Said.
  5. “Dingo I’m going to let you ask a question. DONT MESS THIS UP!” Ember said. “Do you ship me in Ember?” “Dingo,” Ember growled. “I ship them, it’s all just an act. Ember really likes him. Look how red she is!,” George Said. “Oh yeah, it official, shipping name? Embingo? Dimber?,” Fred asked. Ember-*shaking violently with rage* (Does not effect result)
  6. “When are we going to sleep?” Ember asked. “Who said anything about sleeping?” George Said. “It’s a SLEEP over,” “oh well we meant partying.”“Truth or Dare time!” Fred shouted. “Harry Truth or dare?” George asked. “Truth.” “Is it true you have a crush on our little sister?” “Oh! N-no of course n-not! W-we’re just friends! Nothing like that.” Harry stuttered while blushing madly. The twins eyed Harry suspiciously. “Urrh right eh herm (YN) Truth or Dare?” Harry asked quickly. (Just pick a Truth I’ll do Dare in the next question.
  7. “Ron! T or D?” (YN) asked. “Truth.” “You’re no fun.” Ember grumbled. “Lavender, Rosmilda, or Hermione.?” “Hermione,” Ron turned to Cedric and said, “T or D?” “I’d rather play it safe so Truth.” “Is it true you’re a vampire?” Ron asked. “Well, ********” Cedric said. “Ember, T or D?” Cedric asked. Ember scoffed, “You all are babies I’m not afraid of a little dare.” Cedric smiled and said, “alright, kiss Dingo then.” “You evil two-faced cockroach!” Ember shouted. Everyone laughed except for Ember. Ember huffed, “fine!” *kisses Dingo* *Dingo faints* “Well now that that is done, I’m going to the girls bathroom to vomit. But continue on!” (Comment if you think Cedrics a vampire) *does not effect result(
  8. “Yo Tom my man? Whatcha doing?” Dingo asked. “ reading about the dark arts and the killing curse.” Tom simply said. Dingo nervously laughed and said,” the killing curse, oh yeah real funny Tom. You’re not going to use it are you?” “Might,” Tom Said in a careless bored tone. “Vell I geuss it it’s my turn,” Krum Said. ”Eville T or D?” “Urmmm Dare?” Neville Said. “I dare you to skip your turn and give it to (YN) instead.” You notice Viktor winked at you. “Ok,” Neville Said happily, not wanting it to be dangerous. “Now, (YN) I dare you to....”
  9. “I’m back guys!” Ember Said. “Isn’t it Tom’s turn?” “ Yes” Tom Said. “Draco, T or D?” “I’m not a wuss so Dare.” “Walk into the middle of the forbidden forest.” Tom Said without looking up from his book. We all walk into the forest but Draco being many feet ahead of us. You hear a scream and see Draco and a dragon. “What’s a dragon doing here!?” Ember asked, frantically whipping out her wand. While everyone is fighting the dragon, you stay behind. You hear suspicious rustling. Next thing you know, hands cover your mouth and pull you into bracken and shrubbery. The last thing you hear is cackling and a witch saying, “We got her!” “You fool! She’s still awake!” A man said. “Not for long,” and the witch gave a nasty smile at me. The world went black.
  10. “That’s it guys!” Ember Said. “I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if I need to make a part 2! And be sure to check out my other quizzes! “And say in the comments if me a Ember should be a couple!” Dingo Said. “Fine! If there are 15 comments saying yes I will. Which by the way I will be giving a shout out in my next quiz! All you have to do is a tiny paragraph about the quiz and rate it!” And give me ideas! (Doesn’t effect result)

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