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Hey y'all! This quiz is where you get invite to a sleepover with the SMP SQUAD!! You went either by choice or I forced you lol hope you enjoy considering this is my first quiz! Look out for part 2!

Have you ever wondered how it would be with most of the SMP SQUAD? Well now you'll know! I invited u to a sleepover with them! Will they invite you to join the crew? Maybe in the next part who knows! Until then have fun!

Created by: Kia
  1. You were just on your bed minding your business then all of a sudden you hear a *+*ding*+* from your phone it was me! "Hey me and the crew are gonna have a sleepover!Wanna,come?"
  2. "Hey Y/N! Get in!" *+*We drive to the neighborhood*+* "Guys this is my friend Y/N!"
  3. K: Soo what game should we play E: Minecraft for sure KC and me: No! How about Stardew valley! Aph and Noi: Hmm maybe Roblox? P,A,Z: Nah fortnite K: What do you think Y/N?
  4. *+*We play Minecraft and it's dinner time*+* Everyone: I'm so hungry... KC: I'll make dinner! Me: A REAL dinner not cake like last time. Everyone is in their own little groups, Aph and A are just chatting about random things Z is trying to fizz up KC even though she's busy cooking Noi is eating cookies and Pierce and Ein are planning a prank
  5. *+*KC finished cooking*+* KC: Food's ready! E: WHOOOOOOOOOOO Z: Why so loud- Aph: FOOD
  6. KC: What should we do now? Me: Movie? A: sure which one though?
  7. *+*We watch demon slayer and the sun is setting*+* Me: I think we should get ready for bed it's getting late after all.E: NO LETS HAVE A PILLOW FIGHT! A: EIN SHUT UP- Z: y'all act like children KC: ooh yeah a pillow fight!
  8. *+*Were in the middle of our pillow fight Zane and Noi have been knocked down so far,what do you do?*+*
  9. KC: okay guys I think we should really sleep now! Me: Finally!
  10. (Girls room, guys click the skip button) Aph: I don't really wanna sleep yet! Me:,then what should we do? KC: Maybe t or d or a prank on the boys?
  11. (Guys section, girls skip) N: I'm bored P and E: Let's prank the girls! Z and A: Yeah...no
  12. *+* the next day it's time to go home*+* KC: I made you some food! Hoped you had fun!
  13. Well welcome to the end! Watch out for part 2 called: Field Trip with APHMAU SMP SQUAD hope u had fun!! (No effect)

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