Chilling with the aphmau SMP crew part 4

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(It da girls). We're back with another one today, you build your house in the hub, see ya in the quiz! Ignore hdiekehoemegosnwoahjsishjeienmeuenekgenj

Have fun y'all hope you like my crusty quiz! Ignore hsohsjsnoaydoysistsnustha8yzys9usus9iUTysjushsigsjsgushshsvvhkhksbcoqeif o1chiectocyiqeccyieqyiec1

Created by: Quizuser
  1. You wake up only to find yourself sleeping on a lime green couch. You get up and see me. You remember that you agreed (or was kidnapped) to live in the hub! Me. "So glad your awake now!"
  2. (GIRLS ONLY BOIS SKIP). We walk outside and see the rest of the crew, and ypu see a green guy with white hair, he seems to be rizzing up the girls.
  3. (BOIS ONLY GIRLS SKIP). We walk outside and see the rest of the crew, and you see a green guy with white hair, he seems to be rizzing up the girls.
  4. He comes over to everyone and introduced himself. Green boi. "Hey I'm travis!"
  5. Aph suggests we go to the beach. We all agreed and went to go put our swimsuits on. Once done we went the beach and split of into group. Who do you go with?
  6. Once done, aph, me and Kim help you build your house. When we come back with the materials for Aaron, Ein and Pierce places tnt down at zanes house.
  7. Zanes house exploded and I scolded Ein and Pierce, you went and gave your stuff to Aaron and he started on your house. What do you do in the meantime?
  8. Aaron's finished your house which was very lucky because night was coming. Me. House warming partaaahhh!!
  9. After the party, we all leave, leaving you alone. You rest but nor before doing what?
  10. The next morning. I text you saying "we found a aphmau theme park last night, wanna come?"
  11. Bai!

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