A cruise with the aphmau SMP crew! (Part 2)

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(I used a meet the squad drawing as a base, i hope you like my crusty art work). Hey everyone! I'm back with another role play! This is part 2 of my first one 'sleepover with the aphmau SMP crew (part 1). Anyway I'm excited. Once again I will be called Quizzy.

I love making these quizzes and also I'm saying this again I try to post everyday. Also, once again once I say the characters names, I'll use thier first initial.

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Your lying on your bed when I suddenly teleporting into your room. Before you say anything I teleporting you to a cruise ship. You see the aphmau crew there once again. How do you greet them?
  2. We go off into groups and you decide to join someone. who?
  3. Later, there's a crash in the deck below. Everyone runs down there to see what was happening. Me."Oh heck nah! How did Gene and Michi get here!?" Gene. "We had a speed boat to get losers" Michi. "Yeah, duh."
  4. I'm arguing with Gene (because he was calling me a dumb blondie). Aaron's arguing with Michi and everyone else is just chatting. What do you do?
  5. (No matter what you chose Zane and KC some how got trapped in the basement) Me."okay lets let em out and decide what to do." We let them out and Zane was all bruised up, KC was fin tho...
  6. We decide to play truth or dare after all...that. Aph. "Gene, truth or dare?" G. "Dare." Aph. "I dare you to be nice to Quizzy for the rest of the day." G."*dies cause he can't call me a dumb blondie* Y/N. Truth or dare?"
  7. After a bit of truth or dare, the sun starts setting, so we go into our rooms (girl and boys get separate). Do you go with the girls or boys?
  8. (Girls, boys skip). You, me and the girls walk into our room. We don't really know what to do, so I asked everyone thier thoughts. Aph. "We should play 2 truths, 1 lie!" KC. "No! We should play a prank on the boys!" Michi. "Oh heck yeah, lets do it."
  9. (Girls skip. Also whatever you chose you did it, except the prank, you set that up and are now waiting for the bois to get confettied). The boys walk into thier room already getting ready to prank the girls. Gene. "What prank should we do?" Ein. "Well, I'm the prank expert so nerf guns." Aaron. "What do you think Y/N?"
  10. The ship comes to a crash and everyone exited thier rooms. (Ps. No matter what the pranked happened to da bois. Zane opens the door and gets confettied. Zane. "ReAlLy!?" The girls. *laughs*. We exit out of the below deck and see that we crashed. Me. "Fudge, I forgot to put it on auto pilot." Aph. "Well, looks like we'll be here for a while."
  11. That's it for now bai!

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