Sleepover with the aphmau SMP crew (EP 1)

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Welcome to Sleepover with the Aphmau SMP crew! I hope you like this little role play cause ima be making more, why? Cause it's fun! Anyway have fun let me know your result! PS. Ima call myself Quizzy okay? Okay. PS. I'm calling everyone but KC & Aph by thier first initials.

Also I hope I actually have some people playing this, if not, I'm still having fun making them lol. Anyway um, have fun and once again let me know your result.

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Your lying in your bed (doing something, idk) when you hear a ping coming from your computer. It from me. "Yo, I'm having sleepover with some friends. Wanna join?"
  2. You have to choose a set of clothes to wear, and some pjs.
  3. Ding dong! Someone rings your doorbell. You open the door to see me. "Heya Y/N! You ready yet?"
  4. We make to my house and you see 7 people here already. "Y/N, meet Aph, Aaron, Ein, Noi, Pierce, Zane and KC! Sadly Kim couldn't make it." Aph. "Hi!" Aaron. "Hi" Ein. "Hehe. Hi" Pierce. "Yo" Noi. "Hiya." Zane. "Hey" KC. "Hiya!"
  5. I leave & everyone splits up into groups. Aph & Aaron are chatting, Ein & Pierce are snickering, Noi is eating cookies & Zane trying to use his Skibidi Rizz on KC. Who do you go to?
  6. Q. "I'm back! And I've found some games!" P &N. "Cool, can we play minecraft?" Aph, E, A & Z. "No, smash bros." KC."No, stardew vally!" Q. "It's up Y/N then. What do you want?"
  7. No matter what, we play minecraft. After a bit we decide to watch a movie. KC, Aph & N. "A romance or comedy!" P, E & A. "Marvel, or DC!" Q & Z. "Horror!" Aph. "What do you think Y/N?"
  8. It's starting to get late, so we get in our Pjs and hop in our sleeping bags. Who do you sleep next to?
  9. You wake up and see E & P snickering. Me and KC are awake, cooking breakfast. What do you do?
  10. The rest of us wake up and eat breakfast. After it's time to leave.
  11. That's it hoped you liked it BAI!

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