Stranded with the Aphmau SMP crew (part 3)

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(Here's my crusty artwork again). I love making these cringey role plays (lol). Any this is part 3. Last time, you were on a cruise and Gene and Michi was on it, then you crashed into an island (because I forgot auto pilot...)

Also, im sorry that I've posted this late/early (depending were you live) I've been going to shops and I've had schoo (i actual hate school). Anyway have fun and I'll see you in the quiz, Quizzy says "bAi!!"

Created by: Quizuser
  1. You wake up only to adjust your eyes to the lighting. When they adjust you look down only to see sand then you remember what happened. Aph. Oh your awake now!
  2. You get up and help everyone else. When we're done, we rest. Me. Okay we're gonna need food to survive, and make an SOS sign, which, I'll do. Aaron. I'll get the food. KC. I'll help, then cook!
  3. Whatever you did, ya did. You helped and while you eating dinner, a noise comes out from the bushes. Michi. "What. Was. That?" Zane. "We. Don't. Know." Gene. "Shut up."
  4. Whoever checks. Push the bushes apart, only to find... Everyone but you. "Kim!?" Kim. "Oh, hi guys, FYI, I've been here for a while, don't worry why." Me. "Um..."
  5. We give Kim some food, and notice that it's getting late. We decided to head back to the ship and get some rest. Kim. "Wow you had a whole cruise without me?!" Noi. "Yeah sorry..." Kim. "No, its fine!"
  6. The next day. We wake up, and me, Zane and Ein are out hunting for breakfast. And everyone else were talking. What do you do?
  7. We get back and KC cooks the chickens we caught. Pierce. "Finally, food!" We eat, then we decided to do something. Me and the girls. "Truth or dare!" The boys. "TDI!" Kim. "What do you think Y/N?"
  8. Whatever you chose we played t or d for a bit. Soon a helicopter comes. Me. "HeLiCoPtEr, HeLiCoPtEr!!" Gene. "Wtf."
  9. They land and we all hop in. Me. "Tysm." Helicopter driver. Np. He takes us back to the hub an we all flop on the ground.
  10. Aph. "Hey, do you want to join the hub?"
  11. Thats it for now, see ya tomorrow bai!

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