Which Stardew Valley Bachelorette is your soulmate?

Which Stardew Valley bachelorette is your soulmate? Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Maru or Penny? Which should you marry in this fun farming rpg? That's for this quiz to decide.

Answer these 11 simple questions to find out who deserves your love most in Stardew Valley. Have fun playing, and when you get your results, make sure you have your romance face on!

Created by: BurgerGurl1505
  1. Pick one:
  2. Pick one:
  3. Do you have siblings?
  4. Where would you work?
  5. What are your favourite movies in Stardew Valley?
  6. And snacks?
  7. What would you like to do with a friend the most?
  8. What to you HATE!?!?!!!
  9. Fill the gaps.I live _______________
  10. Your favourite season?
  11. Who do you want the result to be?

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Quiz topic: Which Stardew Valley Bachelorette is my soulmate?
