Which Stardew Valley Bachelor(ette) Are You?

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rest in peace harvey and maru, who didn't fit into this quiz because of the 10 result limit. you will be missed but not missed enough to fit into this quiz

this quiz is a quick and 100% accurate way of seeing which stardew valley marriage candidate you're most similar to. whichever character you get is entirely your personality and no mistakes were possibly made in assigning you to a character. if you disagree then i'm sorry you have to deal with the inner turmoil of being wrong

Created by: Squazio
  1. It's a rainy day in town. How do you spend your day?
  2. What's your idea of the perfect gift?
  3. Are you introverted or extroverted?
  4. What's your favorite season?
  5. Pick your favorite food:
  6. How would your friends describe you?
  7. What's your idea of the perfect night?
  8. Which unromanceable villager would you marry if you could?
  9. Pick a movie to see today:
  10. How do you feel about small-town life?

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Quiz topic: Which Stardew Valley Bachelor(ette) am I?
