How well do you know Stardew Valley?

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Stardew valley is a farming game created by ConcernedApe. It's super cool with many awesome features. If you think your a stardew valley pro, try this test!

woahhh i dunno what to say so I'm just gonna put random stuff. - i love stardew valley!! its the best game ever. very fun game. you should get it. omgee

Created by: gemma
  1. What is stardew valley?
  2. How did you get your farm?
  3. What package do you receive beside your bed on the first day? (NOT including the meadowlands farm)
  4. Who gives you your first fishing rod?
  5. How many bundles are in the community center?
  6. What fish requires level 10 fishing skill to catch?
  7. If you place a strange bun in a toy chest inside of Vincent's room, what item will you get?
  8. How do you get a galaxy sword?
  9. What monster lives in the sewers?
  10. What are the little apple like characters that live in the community center called?
  11. What island do you unlock after fixing Willy's boat AND completing the community center?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Stardew Valley?
