Your Harry Potter Love Story Part 2

This is part two for a quiz I've already made. This won't make sense unless you start with the first one. Your options are Harry, Ron, Neville, Cedric, Draco, Oliver, or Fred/George.

At this point, YOU ARE DATING CEDRIC. This might not be want you want, but in part three, things will change, I promise. So sit back, relax, and enjoy my fanfiction.

Created by: swiftie77
  1. Draco takes you to the Slytherin common room, which thankfully, is deserted. He sits you down on a couch and explains. "Y/n, I know we don't get along, but I really like you, and maybe we could hang out sometime." You know he wants to do more than just hang out. " I dunno, I was hoping to go see Cedric. We're dating, you know. " Draco's mouth curled into a sneer. "You two can talk later." You soon feel Draco's lips against yours in a kiss .
  2. You run out as fast as you can, and see Cedric leaving his dorm. "Hey, are you okay?" You burst into tears. He gives you a comforting hug. "Ok, tell me why you're crying."
  3. You hang out with Cedric for the rest of the day. As you're walking the halls together, Neville walks past. He sees the two of you hand in hand and his eyes fill with tears. He hurries past. "Is he okay?" Cedric asks.
  4. That night, you go to the library to return a book. You see Ron and Harry, studying by candlelight. They look up when they see you. "Care to join us?" Harry asks, yawning.
  5. The next morning, you wake up, trying to ignore everyone staring at you. You see the twins come over. "Cedric told us what happened," said Fred. "Are you alright?"
  6. The twins smile, seeing that you're cracking jokes made them feel a little better. They decide to bring you to their Quidditch practice. Oliver noticed you in the stands, blushes, and continued to direct his team with a bit of a smile on his face. Ron came over and say next to you. "Came to watch Harry," he said to no one in particular. "And maybe the twins getting wiped out a bit."
  7. During the practice, everyone plays well. Harry caught up to you. "How do you think I did?" Harry asked. You smile. He's obviously flirting with you. "You did fine." "Thanks. Listen, I think-and don't tell at me- but I think Cedric's cheating on you."
  8. You quickly run out, heading g to the Hufflepuff common room. You bang on the door, a d the door opens to reveal a small looking Hufflepuff.
  9. Cedric spots you in the doorway. He comes over. "What's wrong?"
  10. "I don't know what people are saying about us, but nothing is true, alright?" You were about to say you believed him when a curvy Hufflepuff girl came down the stairs. "Cedric, who's this?"

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Quiz topic: My Harry Potter Love Story Part 2
