How sigma are you?

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Hey there fellow sigmas(?)! This is a quiz to test how unalpha, unbeta, and sigma you are! Answer 10 simple questions and see your result! Only true sigmas get 100%!

Note: If you achieve a score under 100%, there may be consequences. I do not take any responsibility for any harm caused from taking this quiz, nor do I endorse this behavior.

Created by: TheUltimateSigma69
  1. Do you ever feel "skibidi?"
  2. What's your favorite location?
  3. Do you stand out from the pack?
  4. Do you like gyatts?
  5. Fill in the blank: I feel so _____!
  6. Do people ever describe you as a "rizzler?"
  7. Do you ever think of yourself as a "rizzler?"
  8. What's the best time to mew?
  9. Do you express distaste for "betas" and "alphas?"
  10. Do you ever feel "gyattous"

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Quiz topic: How sigma am I?
