RememberingToday's Profile


Joined on Jun 27, 2011
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
100 Quiz
Top 100 Quiz
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RememberingToday's Quizzes

  • Forever Dark {Part 3}
    [published: Jul 10, 2011, 10 comments]

    This is just a fun little quiz, so I hope youh like it! Thanks for taking my quiz, and I wish you Comment……

  • Forever Dark {Part 2}
    [published: Jul 07, 2011, 8 comments]

    This is just a fun little quiz, so I hope youh like it! Thanks for taking my quiz, and I wish you Comment……

  • Forever Dark {Part 1}
    [published: Jul 03, 2011, 14 comments]

    This is just a fun little quiz, so I hope youh like it! Thanks for taking my quiz, and I wish you Comment……

  • Do YOU Know Justin Bieber??
    [published: Jun 27, 2011, 3 comments]

    Good show. Okaii. The results have the same thing for a few of 'em. So, you enjoy this and never……

  • Which Name Fits You Best?
    [published: Jun 27, 2011, 12 comments]

    Thanks for taking my quiz!! I apperciate it! This is my notso Suckish second quizm and I enjoyed……

RememberingToday's Recent Posts

  • Wow.
    "So are mine.. :3"
  • hey :D
    "How in the hell did I get on Sophie's account?? -.- Damn computer.."
  • hey :D
    "Lmao, Im Remy XD Have I talked to you?? I thought I have.. :3"
  • Dear Other Hunter
    "XD Wow.. lmao.. Dead Rozen XDD"
  • No Subject
    "Okaii, hi Kit and Angel.. I should go.. Let you guys be.. :3"
  • No Subject
    "*swings on a swingset* I do this a lot..."
  • No Subject
    "Oh. Well, you can call me Sophia or Soph if you dont wanna call me Sophie.. XD"
  • No Subject
    "Im Sophie.. :3"
  • umm GTQ......
    "Okaii........ :3"
  • *swings on swingset*
    "*swings higher* Wait.. I have a broken ankle.. :3"
  • *swings on swingset*
  • Hey...
    "Okaii. :3 *leaves*"
  • Hey...
    "Herro. :3 Wanna swing with me, Ozzy?? :3"
  • umm GTQ......
    "Oh.. you go on that sight?? :3"
  • No Subject
    "Hi :3"

RememberingToday's Recent Quiz Comments
