Do YOU Know Justin Bieber??

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Good show. Okaii. The results have the same thing for a few of 'em. So, you enjoy this and never coem back! Yea, Im just kiddin wiff you, boo. Good luck and have the time of your little friggen life!! >:3

Good show. Okaii. The results have the same thing for a few of 'em. So, you enjoy this and never coem back! Yea, Im just kidding with you, boo. Good luck and have the time of your little friggen life!!

Created by: RememberingToday

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Alright, how old is the little man??
  2. What is his middle name??
  3. When did he start dating? (The age)
  4. When was his first kiss?? (Age)
  5. Where did he live?
  6. What is his favroite number?
  7. Left handed or Right handed?
  8. What is his favorite word??
  9. Favorite colors??
  10. Whats his fave drink??
  11. He is ...?
  12. Favorite food?
  13. What is his mom's name?
  14. What is his dad's name??

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Justin Bieber??