Tag: Justin Bieber
Most of our Justin Bieber content is dated back ten years or more, but Beliebers are still welcome to have a look!
- Justin Bieber Fever(:
- Dec 20, '10
- by Mrs.Bieber
There are many people that say they love Justin Bieber.. Lets see if its true.. I dare you to take this quiz to find out if…
- How Well Do You Know Justin Bieber?
- Oct 20, '10
- by maci
How well do you know Justin Bieber!!! Take this quiz to test out your Bieber Knowledge and see your Bieber IQ! Let's see how…
- Are you a REAL Belieber?
- Feb 11, '15
- by Kitty Way
There are many many beliebers and Justin Bieber fans in the world. Beliebers are obsessive Justin Bieber fans who will support…
- Are You Susceptible to Bieber Fever?
- May 14, '15
- by derp
Bieber Fever is a dangerous disorder involving an obsession for Justin Bieber, obsessive behaviour around Beliebers, and a love…
- Are You A Belieber?
- Nov 17, '14
- by Kiana
Hmmm... I know there are many Justin Bieber fans out there. Some may say "I know everything about him!" But do they really?…
- Do you know Justin Bieber?
- Dec 3, '11
- by Alice
There are a lot of smart people out there. Smart as in indicating to "knows something well." Smart can have a lot of…
- Bieber's World! Are you living in it?(:
- Feb 22, '11
- by Alexis Bieber!(:
Kayy, this quiz ask you hard questions about Justin Bieber. If you think your ready, than take this quiz. Some things on this…
- Would Justin Bieber Date You?
- Apr 3, '11
- by Jessy Young
If you are right for Justin bieber, take this quiz! You will find out if you will have a good relationship with Justin! So…
- Would Justin Bieber ever want you as his girlfriend?
- Apr 9, '11
- by Amazon
Justin Bieber is one of the most hottest guys around right now and with all us girls trying to make his heart go…
- How Much Do You Know Justin Bieber?
- Jan 27, '10
- by ilyjustinbieber
Lots of people HAte him , some people THINK they know everything! Well try this quiz to see if you do know everything about THE…
- Think You Know Justin Bieber?
- Jun 25, '10
- by Natalie
There are many Justin Bieber fans out there. But there's ones that try so hard to be Bieber pros. Think you know Justin? Then…
- The Ultimate Belieber Quiz:D
- Jun 25, '11
- by glitterchick97
Are you a die-hard Belieber? Do you know Justin like the back of your hand(or even better)? Take this quiz to find out!! These…
- Are You a True Justin Bieber Fan?
- Apr 16, '11
- by caitlyn
You're amazing you're so clever so is everyone so please tell your friends about the quiz if they want the time of their life…
- How much would Justin Bieber like you?
- Mar 28, '11
So if you've never heard of him before, there's this 16 or 17 year old singer called Justin Bieber. He hardly looks older than…
- The Ultimate Justin Bieber Fan Quiz
- Dec 29, '12
- by Bianca
Justin Bieber is one of the biggest stars today. Many compare him to the biggest artists like Michael Jackson and the Beatles.…
- Justin Bieber Quiz !! =D
- Dec 27, '10
- by Kaylee
There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, after all, quite exceptional. By Taking this quiz you will…
Even More Justin Bieber Quizzes
- How Well Do You Know Justin Bieber's Songs?
- Mar 19, '11
- by justinbieberfan
There is many people who like his music, but only a few people who literally LOVE his music! Always singing and dancing to his…
- How well do you know Justin Bieber?
- May 14, '11
- by AMILE02
How well do you know Justin? Think you have Bieber Fever? Take this quiz and find out just how well you know the Biebs! From…
- Are u a Belieber?
- May 6, '15
- by Leon Hlabathi
There are so many people out there, just trying so hard to find out if they are Beliebers, what is a Belieber you ask, a…
- Should You Date Justin Bieber?
- Mar 22, '11
- by Heather
JB actually said these things and what he looks for in a girl. If you think that some of these questions are silly or…
- Are you Justin Bieber's dream girl?
- Jun 26, '10
- by Janette
Ok there are a lot of quizzes about Justin Bieber's dream girl (or something like that) but all they ask you is your interests,…
- How much do ya know about the biebs??
- Apr 1, '13
- by Sierra
A lot of people are really good in fact there are many geniuses!!!!!!!!!!! Are you a genius?? I don't know maybe you are maybe…
- How Well Do You Know Your Justin Bieber Songs?
- Oct 8, '10
- by Holly
There are many true fans of Justin Bieber, but many crazed addicted fans (like me). A crazed, addicted fan is, after all, quite…
- How much do you HATE Justin Bieber
- May 25, '10
- by John
There are a lot of Justin Bieber lovers in this small world of ours but when Justin Bieber sings, a lot of Mrs."Beaver" fans…
- Would you be Justin Bieber's Pal, BFF, or GF?
- Aug 25, '10
- by Ashley
Ever wondered because how you look, act, or how old you are determines what you would to Justin Bieber be if you got to know…
- What Kind Of Belieber Are You?
- Feb 1, '13
- by the biebs is bomb
Find out how well you know Justin Bieber! Are you a stalking belieber or not even a real fan?? You'll never know unless you…
- Are you a Belieber?
- Jun 3, '16
- by miley
Since Purpose came out, everyone has been loving Justin Bieber, but who are his REAL Belieber's and know a lot about him or…
- Test Your Justin Bieber IQ.
- Feb 7, '10
- by Natalie
The guy behind the hit song 'One Time'. Dreamy eyes, great hair. You know him. Justin Bieber of course! You may know his songs,…
- What Justin Bieber song matches you the most?
- Nov 21, '20
- by NatalieS
Hello!!!! You will take this quiz and you will find out what Justin Bieber song matches you the most. You can scroll down and…
- Do you really like Justin Bieber?
- Apr 23, '10
- by Arely Nava
" There are many Justin Bieber fans out there but there can only be one #1 fan. Do you want to know if you are his number one…
- How well do you know Justin Bieber?
- Jan 20, '11
- by Alexis
There are a lot of Belibers out there!! Are you one of those belibers that know a lot about Justin Bieber. If you do come and…
- How well do you know Justin Bieber?
- Jul 26, '11
- by Nana
People know there book a smart. But people like teenage girls know more than that they know about books. they know Justin…
- How Well Do You Know Justin Bieber?
- Feb 24, '10
- by Lydia
Justin Bieber is hard to figure out sometimes but there is one thing I hope everyone know, HE IS HOT! You could meet Justin and…
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