Which Name Fits You Best?

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Thanks for taking my quiz!! I apperciate it! This is my notso Suckish second quizm and I enjoyed making it! It was fun, like always. -Sophia

Thanks for taking my quiz!! I apperciate it! This is my notso Suckish second quizm and I enjoyed making it! It was fun, like always. It was truely a grand ol' time! xDD

Created by: RememberingToday

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you like to do in your free time??
  2. What does your name start with??
  3. Which, out of these, one best seems to fit you??
  4. What happens to you, often??
  5. What can you do the best of??
  6. What is your favorite color? (Does count!)
  7. Thank you for taking my quiz, I hope you enjoyed. :)
  8. Will you rate??
  9. Will you comment??
  10. :DDD

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