Demonjoe's Profile

Joined on Dec 14, 2009
Status Level: Junior
Demonjoe's Quizzes
- What game system is for you?[published: May 25, 2010, 6 comments]
Many people aren't sure which game system they should get. Since game systems are rally expensive,……
- What news station are you?[published: Dec 19, 2009]
There are several news stations in America. Different people watch different news stations. You may……
- How aware are you[published: Dec 15, 2009]
2009 has been an exciting year for all of us. So many things have happened that many of us talk about all the……
- Are you like president Obama[published: Dec 14, 2009, 1 comment]
These are tough times for America. Many people are beginning to dissagree with the president on big……
- What is your political ideology[published: Dec 12, 2009, 4 comments]
There are many different ideologies in the world. The question is, which one's right for you.……
- Are you a communist[published: Dec 10, 2009, 8 comments]
Communist is when the Government eliminates all classes and destroys the individual, the government has……
Demonjoe's Recent Posts
"Charlie Sheen man!"
"I'm not too worried about it. I think they'll make an agreement sooner or later."
"Atlanta's like 27th so we pretty have to take what we can get."
"I got one actually. I was hanging out down town once with these Philipino guys and one of them had gone to jail once. While i"
"No matter how wrong, no matter how gross, tell us."
"I can't put up links on this website you'll have to go to to see for yourself."
"2nd lunch in my school was so quiet that you had to be careful about yelling obscenities as to not get caught. So quiet that outside on the ..."
"As most of you have heard America is now involved in the civil war in Libya. This is now our third war in the Middle East in the last 10 yea..."
"Oops, double post."
"There's also my candidate who has already announced his candidacy, Herman Cain."
"There's also my candidate who has already announced his candidacy, Herman Cain."
"This is late."
"This subject is kinda irrelevent now."
"If by go around you mean rumours about teachers than yes stuff would definitly go around. In my school there's a rumour that this substitute..."
Demonjoe's Recent Quiz Comments
"Decent quiz other than half the right answers being the first response and you repeating questions for some reason."
1 -
"Nope, I'm not emo."
1 -
"Good quiz."
1 -
"Not a very good quiz mainly because all the questions make the assumption that you actually play sports rather than just watch your…"
1 -
"I'm 71% popular."
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"The constant hamburger related questions were a little weird but this was a pretty good quiz. I got 65%."
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"Crappy quiz. Half the questions were either about him or his obsession with pizza."
1 -
"I got "Yay your not wierd", but at the end it said I'm wierd for not trying to be wierd. Not a very good quiz."
1 -
"My results were "17-17 years old." Accurate results. I'm just curious as to why to last two questions were exactly the same."
1 -
"I scored "A Beautiful Babe". I thought the quiz sucked because the last half of the questions had nothing to do with it. I'm sick of seeing…"