Butterflykitten's Profile
Joined on Nov 26, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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Butterflykitten's Recent Posts
"Magic spell? -facepalm-"
"Yaaaay! Person making sense!!"
"I never went against it. I was kind of always an atheist, nobody ever said anything about a god, and now I just find it a little silly."
"How is having no religion a religion? I don't worship science, I just find it interesting."
"'The time span of literal 24-hour days applies only to humans.' Correction: 'The time span of literal 24-hour days applies onl"
"Why does it matter?"
"This is extremely interesting! :) Yay interesting stuff!"
"I love that stuff!"
"There are very many planets. It is quite probable that at least one would have intelligent life."
"At my primary school they taught Christian stuff for a hour on Friday mornings. I loved the extra sleeping time."
"Because I was raised atheist, and I have no proof that would make me want to change."
"Wouldn't killing someone be a sin? I'm not good at this, but does that make god a hypocrite?"
"Thank you."
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