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- 1.4K
Many of us ask the same question over and over. It kills us to know the vital question that we seek so hard all depeneds on the result of action and …
- 13.5K
Everyone who watches WWE has a favorite wrestler. But not everyone knows who they are they like. Can you become the greatest legend in the WWE of all time??!! …
- 6K
Do you need anger management? Do you need to learn to get alittle more angry? Or do you handle yourself very well. Well you can take the can you control …
- 7.5KDoes Your Crush Like You Back?2.97rated: 2.97/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 7.5K times1 comment
yes, it may be true that your crush likes you, but this is just a quiz. if it says your crush doesn't like you, that may not be true! or if it says your crush …
- 2.9K
The ever-so-famous Twilight series is very popular amongst our nation. The Cullen vampires are perhaps the most extraordinary, and popular, characters in this …
- 18.1K
I like Harry Potter so I thought yay, a lot of people read and like Harry Potter but some don't. But I like the people I can get to take my quiz. Quiz's are …
- 8.8K
If you're reading this then you're probably just another bored human. What? You disagree? Let me decide that! I bet you are just some wannabe hoping I'll think …
- 3K
A lot of people think they know who they are in High School, but actually a lot of them are wrong. You can never actually tell who you are because, if you get a …
- 2.3K
People say all the time, "Look at me! I'm so awesome, and the rest of you suck! I am AWESOME! OH YEAH!" Well, this quiz will tell you how awesome you you are. …
- 20.7K
this quiz is to help you figure out what you will be when you grow up. this quiz is very accurate. answer the 12 question to figure out what we think you would …