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- 25.9K
There are many different types of Angels that exist; some are unknown to humans. This quiz lets you find out which of a few types you are. There are 5 types …
- 247K
There are awesome, celebrity look alike hair, but sadly, there are some boring and plain cuts. Want the best haircut? Take this quiz and depending on your …
- 1.2K
There are many people in the world who are Twilight fans if you are one of them you might enjoy this quiz. This quiz is based on the Twilight saga. You awnser …
- 16.1K
There are so many people who love soda. My guess is that you're one of them. What is a soda? A soda is a bubbly drink that can or cannot have caffeine in it. …
- 24.9K
You've seen a lot of personality quizzes, but mine in a way, is special. It's very accurate if you really want to see what kind of person you are. Take this …
- 96.4K
There are so many different types of guys, and of course, if you have your eye on someone, dont let this quiz decide wether or not you go for him but, it should …
- 4.2K
There are four fingers and a thumb on the human hand. Each finger is a different length but, they may have different personalities. I am not sure if this quiz …
- 5.5K
Haven't you ever wondered which vampire you would end up with? Drooled over bronze hair or dimples? What about mood-changing or being super smart? I have! And …
- 4.8K
there are lots of types of kisses, theres long dramatic kisses and theres smoochy kisses which make you go ewwww, when you see it. also, sometimes people dont …
- 23.7K
Alot of guys date girls for the wrong reasons. Do you ever wonder if your boyfriend is one of those guys? Thanks to my quiz, you wont have to wonder any more! …