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- 37.6K
Do you prefer to study lying down or sitting up? Do you watch the clock constantly, or does the bell surprise you at the end of class? Have you ever been …
- 13K
Ever wondered what your theme song was? I don't make promises. But, with these twelve questions I will attempt to determine one that's fitting. I didn't pick …
- 9.3K
this quiz is mainly for fun. this is just to see if you are a nice person, average person, or an evil should try to get a green heart because it's …
- 4.9K
You may think you know a lot about yourselves, and you probably do, but do you really know your real personality? You can find what your true self is by taking …
- 303K
According to Florence Littauer, there are four dominant types of personality: sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic. Each personality type has its …
- 20.4K
Do you watch friends? If you do, you might want to take this quiz i made, and see which character you are most like from friends! Take the test! Take it! I …
- 13K
Ever imagine that when you're going to die...have you ever imagined that when you go to heaven hopefully or hell hopefully not. What your soul's wings would …
- 1.8KHow Nerdy/Geeky are you?3.26rated: 3.26/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 1.8K times3 comments
This quiz is good for checking if you are nerdy/geeky!!It, useing its amazing awesomness, will find if you are very nerdy, or if you are the cool kid on the …
- 3K
I made this quiz because I was board. this is my opinion so good luck.Maybe you will like my quiz maybe you won't. Anyway you win some you lose some. …
- 22.8K
There are many different crimes that one could commit. Shop lifing, drug charges, and even murder. Certain types of people commit certain crimes. But its hard …