What dog breed are you

Dogs are one of world most popular house pets. They are friendly and protective, and often good with children. With their happy-go-lucky selves, dogs gaurantee to lighten up anyones day.

But, have you ever wondered what breed of dog you are. Are you a labrador, a strong german shepherd, or maybe a sharp little Jack russel terrier. Thanks to this quiz you can find out in just a few minutes

Created by: Dixie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you describe your height?
  2. How would your friends describe you best?
  3. Waht would you say your best feature was?
  4. Where would you prefer to live?
  5. What is your favourite food?
  6. Your favourite weekend activity?
  7. Your favourite subject at school?
  8. You see an old lady, struggling with shopping bags, what do you do?
  9. Your Friend is ill, what do you do?
  10. Your bezzies birthday party clashes with a once in a lifetime oppurtunity, what do you do?
  11. Your bezzies birthday party clashes with a once in a lifetime oppurtunity, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: What dog breed am I