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- 15.3K
There are many quizzes about anime out there, and there are many on what character you'd be. However, there are not as many "which anime are you" type quizzes. …
- 2K
Most people seem confused by all these guy quizzes out there. Mine may not be too accurate but take into mind 90% of this is from a reliable source. Let's see …
- 385K
Hey, Home Pups! Did you know that a song can describe a person in multiple ways? Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, the mood that the song delivers can sometimes …
- 26.6K
Take my quiz to find out which stereotype are you: Skater, Preppy, Nerd, Hipster, Emo or Jock?? The answers may be a little off, but try to take it and see what …
- 6.6K
so your having a sleepover, or your just in the mood for snuggling up in a blanket and eating popcorn, right? the problem is, what dvd should you buy or rent. …
- 3K
There are many people that think that vampires are all the same but they are wrong.There are lots of diffrent vampires like smart vampire or not even one at …
- 1.7K
Some people are different. Some people are supid. Some people are dum. I call them Random! Random people are somtimes unique! So are you part of the Random …
- 2K
Oh my god, how will i ever no what kinda guy i should be looking for. Well you can skip all the years of dating and dumping and take this quiz to find out what …
- 3.7K
Do you wonder what element you might be? Would you be fire? Would you be water? Would you be Earth? (There is no air in this one, sorry.) You will never know …
- 3.5K
This quiz will show which twilight guy is right for you!! Take and find out which twilight guy best suits you!! There are various personalities from self …