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- 2.8K
This quiz will tell you what character from 'Halo' you are. You do not need to be a halo nerd like me to take it, it explains all the outcomes and who, or what, …
- 5.8K
Wouldn't it be cool to have super powers? Yeah it would, I know because I can fly! Heh heh heh... This is a totally random quiz I thought about but it may be …
- 8.5K
There are many great people in the world and many great celebs. But when it comes to matching personalities which celeb are you? Take this fantastic quiz and …
- 6.8KWould you survive a nuclear holocaust?3.28rated: 3.28/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 6.8K times1 comment
Because of the constant threat of nuclear war, you might have to know what to do in times of a constant crisis, and as death is knocking on your door, you must …
- 5.5K
Lots of people think there in love. Do you? If you take this quiz you'll be able to find your dream guy in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is answer …
- 133K
A lot of people, especially teens think they're in love. No matter how much they say it, their idea of love isn't the same as an adult. So if your results are …
- 2.8K
there are so many types of pets this quiz reveals what type of pet you are most like come and see it is so fun you will love and be surprised what type of …
- 1.9K
Many people know the world of Harry Potter, but only a select few really KNOW all about the wizarding world. Many understand that Dumbledore is good, Voldemort …
- 106K
Okay Dokay! There once live three girls one called Rosalina the second one called Bailey and the third was called Georgia. They had different personalities such …
- 8.7K
Almost everyone has a soulmate!! Love is amazing and everyone knows how it feels to be with people, but which one is the one for you?? maybe youll never …