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- 1.9K
There are many people around the world, and some love where they live. Some hate where they live. But a lot of them wonder where their first one ought to be. So …
- 950Liason 10th Anniversary Quiz3.2rated: 3.2/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 950 times3 comments
For the last 10 years Jason and Elizabeth have been a force like none other on General Hospital. They have been friends, lovers, soulmates. Their history is …
- 29.3K
Want a boyfriend and don't know which type? It's so hard to decide! This quiz will use your answers about you, and translate them into "boy" and find your …
- 4.7K
People can get hurt all types of ways,everyone gets hurt more in one particular section. It can hurt more or less in different area's. Pain hits you in all …
- 3.1K
There are many people who tell of paranormal experiences. Many of them are fase, and many people dont believe in ghosts …
- 2.2KWhat WonderKing character are you?4.32rated: 4.32/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 2.2K times
What if you could be a WK character? Just bored? Another cooldown in WK? Well waste your time here to see what WK fits you the most. This quiz takes your …
- 926
The twighlight saga is written by a woman named Stephenie Myers. The story is about a 17 yer old girl who moves from snny Phoenix Arizona to rainny Forks …
- 1.2K
are you the type of people that try to boost people to their goals or be a jerk and pull them down my quiz could help! ya it could! lol! well take it already! …
- 1.7KWhat Power Do You Have?3.88rated: 3.88/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 1.7K times3 comments
This quiz is about finding your true power if you could. but did you know it relies on your personality, intelligence, movement, social life, your feelings on …
- 20.5K
There are many people who wonder what their other name would be. Names are, afterall, in a way, a person's personality. By what they mean and their origin, …