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- 2.9K
There are many people in the world that like creatures that do not exist. This is where you can get paired up with the one that is best suited for you. …
- 5K
who will you marry? If you want to find out, this is the perfect quiz for you! Will it be the jock, the flirt, the band geek, or maybe the preppy nice guy? find …
- 18.8K
Do you have the heart to be that special person? There are many types of girlfriends and boyfriends, this quiz is to show where your heart is in a relationship. …
- 13.1K
Everyone wants to know how much money they will have. Well this quiz can tell you how much you will have. You better answer carefully or you'll be poor!!! So …
- 74.8K
Where are you on the political spectrum? Are you on the left, center or right. Or are you something not classifiable such as a libertarian. Your true …
- 3.7K
Pretty much the best show ever known, Degrassi deals with teen situations that are always occurring in our world today. Its easy to love this show, and be …
- 10K
I know that i always wonder "What if i lived in this time era? Would i like it?" This quiz will answer those questions you have about the times past. Do you …
- 9.6K
Griffindoor. Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw. Syltherin. They are the four Hogwarts houses. If you take this quiz you will be …
- 9K
In the fantasy land of Dragonia, five unique and diverse species of dragon rule the land and skies. Some are with vicious tempers, others with a great sense of …
- 54.5K
There are many classifications of fighting styles out there, but a few can be generalised into all styles. This is a quiz to check which of these styles you …