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- 15.4K
Have you ever heard a sad song you can relate to? Everyone has, and it is normal. There are so many sad songs out there, but these are just a few from my iPod. …
- 7.8K
This quiz will help you pass some time (yay!), and determine what type of superpower will best suit you. This isn't a long quiz, so take your time and have …
- 25.2K
Do you think your a good person, the person who is just right? Well, lets see about that. Take the quiz and find out. You might think one thing about yourself …
- 2.1K
This quiz is for Lady gaga fans.Yoou will enjoy what a song has to say about you.It's so funny knowing your like a song but only knowing your like one song. …
- 184K
Hey this quiz is for BOTH GUYS AND GIRLS. I have two names of the same letter on each possible result (girl's name/boy's name). However you can like either name …
- 3.5K
have you ever wondered what may be you're inner animal? well you don't have to ponder it anymore with my quiz. I hope you can find you're inner animal and …
- 6.3K
We all have our favorite Mario characters, but only few of us know who we are most like. Well, take this quiz to see! You may be Mario, Luigi, Princess …
- 9.7K
You may have a favorite color, but it it the color that truly embodies you? This quiz will tell you that color. The color you get is the true color of your …
- 34.2K
Everyone has a special color they want or have for their room. It may go with their favorite color, or their personality! But sometimes it's hard to choose. Do …
- 2.7K
We know people know that they have their own ways, style, and personalities...but do you no what season fits you? Take this quiz to make sure you know the basic …