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- 3.4K
Life is a huge book you cannot put down. Every event is a new page, every day a new chapter, every year a sequel to the previous. The world is a library, and …
- 2.9K
this is to tell you what god or goddess you are either most like or you would be. this might be different from what other quizzes' answers give you. are you …
- 8.6K
"Do u watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians?" If u dont u might have 2 do a little research b4 u take this quiz! Have u ever wondered exactly what Kardashian …
- 4.4K
Do you know if he actually likes you, well you can figure it out by completing this Quiz. It is approved by boys of the united states. So why not come try it …
- 8.1K
hi omg i just delted this whole thing and i dont rember it and i dont feel like rwtyping it so sorry ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ …
- 2.1K
Some are popular, some are geeky. What is popular to you? Some of the questions will probably click and make you think, 'yep, that's cool.' But is it? …
- 4.6K
Colors are symbols of different emotions, if you tell me your emotion, I can tell you what color represents your emotion, just answer a few questions and you'll …
- 35.2K
There is some one out there who is thinking of you and likes you a lot. I know who they are and I will tell you what the …
- 8.2K
Many people have one favorite color. take this quiz to see what it means. you could really love this or really hate it. but you should take it. okay.? …
- 17.7K
Fragrances have the power to effect our minds and bodies. Since civilization began, people used oils and perfumes to evoke moods. Women have scents that make …