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- 2.6K
Ever wondered if you're going to Hell? Did anyone tell you to go to Hell? If so, then you're in the right place. Take the quiz and go away. Fast. Hurry. I don't …
- 5.3K
You are here of curiosity??? Are you here just because you are bored???? Am I using too many ?'s just to fill up the characters? NO, I am not, it just turned …
- 695The Dreamer Comic Quiz3.41rated: 3.41/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 695 times
Many people read The Dreamer but few really know their stuff. Do you have what it takes to rise through the ranks and show you're more than just the average …
- 22.6K
The world is tough on teenagers and it helps to know where you stand it helps to be honest if your honest then this can …
- 2.4K
There are many types of lovers. What kind are you? Passionate? Paranoid? Obsessive? Emotional? or Bouncy? And what can you do to fix your relationship? …
- 221K
there are many girls in this huge,gigantic world that wonder what type of girl they are.well,this quiz doesn't tell you if u r pretty,fat,etc.this quiz tells …
- 3.4K
Well. I guess you want to know what your COLOUR is. Right? I think soo. Do you wear the wrong colour everyday? Well in just a few minutes you'll find out! …
- 17.3K
Who watches "Glee" here? *raises hand* Well I personally love the show! Great singing, funny dancing, and awesome plot add up to create a very cool show. …
- 55.5K
artistic legends,dance legends,musical legends,literary legends..there are so many famous people in the world,past,present,and history that are renowned for …
- 68.3K
These next 12 questions will test how different you'll look when your older. There ary many people who will only change partly and many who won't even be the …