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- 4.8K
The moon is the friend of the stars. The sun is the friend of the earth. The moon is the calm one and the sun is the firey one. See? Two very different tastes. …
- 15.3K
Is he really falling in love with you? Does he like you? Most girls go to the internet and take a quiz quiz if a boy like them every five seconds. take this …
- 27.8K
What DO your dreams mean? This quiz will tell you so you get an idea. What are your dreams about? What colors were involved? This extrodinary quiz will …
- 20.1K
So many guys to choose from, but how do you know...Which one is the right one? Well, this quiz features some questions that will build up your result. The …
- 18.7K
Do you think you will have some good time with your crush? Out of the Naruto characters....There are 6 men to choose from Haku the mist ninja Kiba the dog …
- 9K
It took me a REALLy long time to make this quiz, no really I mean it, but enough about that, do you have the skill to …
- 4.7K
Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. The basic four, no more no less. Find out YOUR element now! I'm filling up space now............ I'm filling up space …
- 9.4K
Everyone wonders what they'll name their child/children when they're older... …
- 188K
This quiz is made to determine whether you're considered Hot or Not. Just remember, no matter what your score is, true beauty comes from the inside. Please …
- 2.6K
This is a quiz to see what type of frizzy and fruity soda you would be.You could be Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper!Check it out, its a really fun …