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- 36.5K
Have you been called many different things,but still don't know if they are the right names for you or not?Or have you ever longed to have a nickname you …
- 2.1K
Everone in high school has a stereo type. It could be anywear from a popular to a nerd. Have you ever wondered what kind of stereo type you are? Do you have a …
- 1.6K
Are you in a community of friends? If so... which of them are you!? The one that makes them laugh, cry... or the one who they just can't cope without? …
- 15.1K
DO you know what you child will look like when you grow up? NO! Then take this quiz and you will find out what they are like and whatr they look like! …
- 4.3K
There are people with an inner species from the medievil time... we just dont know how to use it! If you be HONOST In this Quiz you will find your real inner …
- 1.2K
There are thousands of Winter Olympic SPorts, Such as Biathlon and Short Track, but only a few professionals at these kind of sport. Dangerous Sports, like …
- 4.6K
There are a lot of quizzes titled "are you pretty?" but this one is different. This quiz doesn't just ask if you think your pretty. It takes a whole bunch of …
- 4.5K
Death is a common thing that happens to everybody on this planet. Many people have tried over the last eons tried to come up with ideas and cures to stop death. …
- 3.9K
C'mon, your going to be famous. We all know it. But, you're going to need a new name! Each name says something about your fame personality. Who are you? …
- 2.5K
Well, you know when you have people who say "Your mean!" Or " Your soooo nice!" Well by taking this quiz you will find out the truth, if your mean, nice and …