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- 2.9K
There are alot of jonas brother fans out there who wanna know who they belong with in the band Nick Joe or Kevin. Now just take the quiz u jb fans and u will …
- 13.1K
There are two types of people in this world, those who live by their logical mind and those who live by the passion in their hearts. Which one are you? …
- 27.3K
Have you ever wondered were you'll be in 20 years? If you do, then just answer the 12 questions and find out what will happen in the future.... Please take this …
- 5.9K
Everyone's heard of the game Truth or Dare right? This quiz basically asks the question: Which One Are You Most Likely to Choose? It's a pretty simple game, and …
- 3.7K
Patience 26 Compassion 26 Emotional stability 24 An understanding nature 23 A happy home 22 Knowing what it is like to be a child 21 A good sense of …
- 1.9K
There are many people around the world, and some love where they live. Some hate where they live. But a lot of them wonder where their first one ought to be. So …
- 947Liason 10th Anniversary Quiz3.2rated: 3.2/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 947 times3 comments
For the last 10 years Jason and Elizabeth have been a force like none other on General Hospital. They have been friends, lovers, soulmates. Their history is …
- 29.3K
Want a boyfriend and don't know which type? It's so hard to decide! This quiz will use your answers about you, and translate them into "boy" and find your …
- 4.7K
People can get hurt all types of ways,everyone gets hurt more in one particular section. It can hurt more or less in different area's. Pain hits you in all …
- 3.1K
There are many people who tell of paranormal experiences. Many of them are fase, and many people dont believe in ghosts …