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- 3.7K
There are many different types of immortals but two of them are constantly fighting for surpremcy.Vampires, the creatures of the night, and angels, your …
- 25.6K
Do you have a guy friend? Well here's a quiz to help you tell if he likes you as more than a friend. i can't promise it's 100% accurate, but i've based it off …
- 7.2K
Okay, Everyone knows about greek mythology. the gods are zues posidon hades ares atheana hepatasus aphrodite hermes apollo hera and Artamis. who is your greek …
- 117K
I was bored, so I decided to make a "What Animal Are You" quiz. It says "detailed" because I tried to have several questions and paid close attention to the …
- 11.2K
There are many good hearts but few truly pure. If you are one of the people whose has a pure heart, you are very lucky indeed. but if you don't that isn't bad. …
- 33.5K
I am sure you US citizens know all about the Founding Fathers of your country. What's that? You don't? Whoops. Well, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy this …
- 3.7K
Love. Love is when you are true to yourself and others, you will be loved based on who you are as a person. Love is not based on looks or popularity but on your …
- 6.9K
Believe it or not, we all have auras, and, though they cannot be seen by the human eye, they are all different colors. The color of an aura can also tell a-lot …
- 3K
"There are any people that think others are beautiful but sometimes their not on their inside. beautiful is someone who is nice and sweet and generous and …
- 5.8K
This quiz is a sequel to what song describes you? 1 and 2 I improved it with more songs and better questions Enjoy! …