The fortune teller | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The fortune teller.
: I see...
I see your wedding! Oh, you will love it. And that gift... has a wine glass in it, complete with a bottle of wine. No, no, TWO bottles of wine! Oh, here's the instructions on the card. One bottle is for shaking up and spraying everywhere, and the other for drinking. You look simple lovely, darling. Absolutely beautiful.
Your Result: You will kiss the boy of your dreams!
On your sweet sixteen a boy you have a crush on will come to your party. You come and say hello. He takes your hand and gives you a big, fat smooch. It is my pleasure to determine the delightful things of the future.
Random fact; I'm already past my 'sweet' 16. v.v
I see water.
I see water, people splashing. But wait, they are not swimming! And there's you! You are sinking... I'm sorry, but you will drown in the ocean. I don't know when. But-- a handsome man is swimming too you as you sink-- he is swimming you back to a boat! Oh, how romantic.
gaby4001 -
I see water.
Uh, okay then. Okay listen up, maker-of-quiz :) I have a tip! Click Create a Quiz at the top of the page, and at the side, enter the name of this quiz, and your password for it. For the question about, "Do you have a dog or a cat?" add the possible answer of "Both" because I have a dog and two cats ^^ lol sorry I'm bored.
But good quiz, it was... interesting XD
This quiz was fun but STUPID but you probably knew what I was going to say now didn't you? Oh, wait your not physic or are you? Take my quiz 'Are you a physic?' to find out!
Tiff131 -
Hello?!? A handsome man swimming and saving me?!?!? I ain't gay or bi, man...
awesome lol
SWEET!!!!!!!!! I got You will kiss the boy of your dreams! Awesomeness! Fun quiz.
I'm a male and I'm straight so this quiz SUCKS!
Hey... i got water... its kinda random...
betwep1 -
yea no effence that was kinda stupid even thow i got that wedding thing
shishi1 -
omggg,rhis is quite freaky,she saw a wedding!! and my uncles gonna get married soon,:0
Water YAYZ!
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