lilfreakgryl's Profile

Joined on Jul 17, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
lilfreakgryl's Quizzes
- MY 35TH QUIZ ^O^[published: Sep 03, 2011, 9 comments]
Is there a reason of why I need to type out these paragraphs? Oh yes, because people can know what this quiz is……
- It's Never Too Late[published: Sep 03, 2011, 6 comments]
THINKING OF SUICIDE? Come here and take this quiz! I know I'm just a kid, a kid who knows nothing, but let……
- LIKE A BOSS!!!![published: Aug 29, 2011, 8 comments]
TAKE THIS QUIZ I KNOW YOU WANT TO! TAKE IT TAKE IT! Okay I'll stop shouting in CAPS now... this quiz is full or……
- Are We Alike? :3[published: Aug 29, 2011, 8 comments]
There are many people in the world, but not people like MEH. I, after all, am the world's greatest unknown epic……
- Sing With Me or I'll Keel You[published: Aug 21, 2011, 5 comments]
I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world. My boobs are plastic and it's fantastic! You can shave my……
- What's in the Closet?[published: Aug 19, 2011, 8 comments]
It's important that you read this. This is an adventure quiz. You're at a street and stop at a haunted……
- What Will You Die From?[published: Aug 17, 2011, 23 comments]
There are many ways to die. Murder, health problems, suicide. But what way do you think you'll die? Car……
- Are You Seventh Grade Math Smart Material?[published: Aug 16, 2011, 4 comments]
Seventh grade math is filled with lots of terms, equations, and many more that you……
- Should You Take a Shower?[published: Aug 14, 2011, 20 comments]
There's this thing called, clean people, and stinky people. Which one of them are you? Do you think……
- Domo Kun, or Hello Kitty?[published: Aug 13, 2011, 7 comments]
Many people in this world LOVE Domo Kun and lots of others like Hello Kitty. What do you think is……
- Are You A Indoors or Outdoors Person?[published: Aug 12, 2011, 10 comments]
There are lot of people in the world that enjoy being outside more than inside. But……
- Do You Need Braces?[published: Aug 11, 2011, 19 comments]
Have ever felt awkward smiling in a picture imaging if people would see it and judge your smile based on……
- Are You Stressed?[published: Aug 11, 2011, 13 comments]
What is stress? And why do people get so irritated when they are stressed? Stress is your body's way of……
- Do You Use Proper Grammar?[published: Aug 10, 2011, 9 comments]
There are many idiots in the world who can't even use good grammar! For pete sakes would it KILL YOU……
- The Guessing Game 2[published: Aug 10, 2011]
Most of you have taken my other guessing game where the answer was a bottle of whiskey! I got a request……
- The Spelling Test[published: Aug 10, 2011, 9 comments]
There are many great spellers in the world, but not that many. Spelling is a big part of life because without……
- How Middle Eastern Are You?[published: Aug 10, 2011, 10 comments]
There are many Middle Easterns in this world. Some who throw shoes at their kids and feed them rice……
- Should You Trust Him?[published: Aug 10, 2011, 7 comments]
There's many great and strong couples in the world, but not that many. Sometimes you wonder to yourself,……
- This Quiz Will Give You A Headache[published: Aug 10, 2011, 5 comments]
This world is filled with a million gazillion fa zillion shazillion facts, some even creepy……
- Would I date you? (both genders)[published: Aug 10, 2011, 8 comments]
Halloo baaybee :D I don't have much to say in these types of paragraphs so um first thing……
- Choose One Answer and Look at the Comment Box[published: Aug 08, 2011, 35 comments]
There's no need for explanation to this quiz, just follow directions CAREFULLY.……
- I shall have more quizzes than TomboyKaitie and Kish[published: Aug 07, 2011, 4 comments]
You love this quiz. You love it. Nothing can describe how much you love it.……
- How Californian Are You? (for girls)[published: Aug 07, 2011, 6 comments]
There many ways people describe Californian girls, fake, stupid, bleached blondes, dumb, or……
- Are You A Lil? o.O[published: Aug 06, 2011, 7 comments]
Hey did you know if you say dumb--- really slowly it almost sounds like gullible? Yeah, really. I'm also one……
- What's Your Stereotype?[published: Jul 19, 2011, 20 comments]
LOOK HERE! If you were able to see this on the front page then yaay :] Anyways, that's not the point.……
- Do You Have Anxiety?[published: Jul 03, 2011, 8 comments]
Hey don't be scared of me, I just want you to take this quiz. It won't hurt you. I have anxiety too, so……
- The Guessing Game[published: Jun 07, 2011, 8 comments]
Hey let's play a guessing game, here are some clues that won't be on the quiz only because it's for people who……
- Are You a True Hoshi?[published: Mar 20, 2011, 11 comments]
There are many different types of people in the world. Some are wealthy or homeless. Others are either……
- How well do you know me?[published: Mar 06, 2011, 2 comments]
There are many people in the world that I know, but not that many that know me really well. Who am I……
- Are you at the risk of having acne problems?[published: Jul 28, 2010, 7 comments]
8 in 10 teens in the world end up with acne. Acne is a side affect from hormones……
- Are you a Chatting Master?[published: Jul 23, 2010, 7 comments]
There are many people that are on chat rooms 24/7 and probably don't need to take this quiz. And……
lilfreakgryl's Recent Posts
"Saya tidak boleh berdiri anda orang lagi.Separuh perkara-perkara yang telah aku posting di sini diabaikan, tetapi siapa peduli?Ini hanya lam..."
"I'm gonna go, I have homework to do and my time is up on the laptop, bye peeps, see you next week if I survive, or if I feel like coming on ..."
"There's more and more to come Biance :\"
"AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW on both drawing and her not coming on :("
"Come on guys, it's not the end of the world... or is it.......................?"
"I already have a quiz and two tests to study for next week, and a beautiful pile of homework I need to complete. After I get off I'm gonna s..."
"Did Emma ever post her stereotypical drawing of us? I'm super curious."
"Don't you worry, everything.... is gonna be alright."
"You should, especially for math, it's an important subject. You gotta study study study! Even in high school, it's good to take college clas..."
"Oh well I don't know how to play an instrument, give me drum sticks, and I will transform myself into a human walrus ^o^"
"7th grade is important cause eighth grade is gonna require for you to know all the stuff you learned in the past in order for you to take th..."
"Wow I love the font above for the title and sub-title (my home laptop shows it in a different way) okay that's not the point xD "
"I always make myself look a moron in front of people, say something to me, and I'll ask you to repeat it fifty more times just so I can unde..."
lilfreakgryl's Recent Quiz Comments
" quiz."
1 -
"You were close xD"
1 -
"I'm average."
1 -
"Why you people rated my quiz low? I'm trying to save your life."
1 -
1 -
"Epicness xD
btw, I'M NUMBER SIX"1 -
"53% aw I wube colors :("
1 -
"Oh crap it said one through five xD *takes quiz again*"
1 -
"I was REAAALLLLLY bored xD"
1 -
"Don't make goals that involve changing who you are, instead, improve yourself. Don't lie to yourself and think it's all worthwhile,…"