Are You Acting Like an Adult?
There are: infants, toddlers, children, tweenagers, teenagers, young adults, adults and seniors. But this is a quiz about how much an adult you are. Here's the thing: If you are a kid, enjoy being a kid while you can. You have plenty of years in the future to be uptight and mature. But if it is time to be a mature adult and get your life in order, then do so! This is just a quiz and please don't get mad if you didn't get the answer you wanted to because I'm not a perfect quiz-maker even though I've made a lot of quizzes, haha. Please enjoy my quiz!
There are: infants, toddlers, children, tweenagers, teenagers, young adults, adults and seniors. But this is a quiz about how much an adult you are. Here's the thing: If you are a kid, enjoy being a kid while you can. You have plenty of years in the future to be uptight and mature. But if it is time to be a mature adult and get your life in order, then do so! This is just a quiz and please don't get mad if you didn't get the answer you wanted to because I'm not a perfect quiz-maker even though I've made a lot of quizzes, haha. Please enjoy my quiz!