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- 343Which member of The Golden Trio are you?4rated: 4/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 343 times1 comment
"But from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend. There are some things you cant share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a …
- 120What Next Generation Wings of Fire dragonet are you?4rated: 4/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 120 times
Hello! this is a remake of my other quiz, because I forgot to put a tag on it! This quiz is a WoF next gen quiz. this …
- 85Napoleonic Classes Quiz0rated: 0/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 85 times
Prepare to journey into the heart of one of history's most captivating eras, where warfare and strategy were intertwined with unique roles on the battlefield. …
- 809What kind of Animal are you?4rated: 4/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 809 times3 comments
So, you've been wondering what animal you are... or maybe you're arguing with someone about it, and need a deal breaker... either way, you've made your way …
- 165
Hi. So this is only like my 4th quiz, so if there are errors, please inform me. I'm a warriors fan, and I tried to make …
- 335What warrior cats Clan do you belong to?4.57rated: 4.57/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 335 times
Hi! I guess you can call me Froststar, as my warrior cat name. I hope you enjoy this quiz, where you get to learn what clan you might belong to, if you were a …
- 62Warriors Love Story: Part 3(by WarriorsLover666)4.67rated: 4.67/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 62 times
You are now in new-leaf(spring) and you become a queen and have kits. Foxtail really likes you and becomes your …
- 821Are You Aromantic?3.93rated: 3.93/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 821 times2 comments
Hello, there. Are you having trouble figuring out if youre aromantic or not? This quiz might help. Fifteen questions with plenty of options for answers. I hope …
- 2.5KWhat anime should you watch?3.93rated: 3.93/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 2.5K times
Hello, and welcome to my quiz! Here like the title says, you will find out what anime you should watch, if you don't know what anime is, anime is Japanese …
- 190Moonhearts Prophecy4.5rated: 4.5/5Promoted 10 months agotaken 190 times1 comment
StarClan has sent many prophecies, but none of them work. When all hope is lost, though, they need to send out a prophecy. This time, StarClan is sure that …