Which Wof Pantala tribe are you from?

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Have you ever wondered if you're a SilkWing, a HiveWing or a LeafWing? Now is the time to find out! Discover your true pantala tribe! Open the quiz and get to it!

This is obviously a multi-result quiz. You pic one of the results - the one that's the most true. At the end you'll receive the result you have the most points. Good luck!

Created by: Glorybringer
  1. Okay which tribe do you think you are from?
  2. What do you eat mostly?
  3. Whoops I forgot to say hi!
  4. What are you ?
  5. What colours are red and blue?
  6. Choose a pyrrhia dragon:
  7. Again...
  8. And again...
  9. Again...
  10. Again (grinning)
  11. Favourite colour
  12. What do you do in free time?
  13. Favourite school subject?
  14. Soulmate?
  15. Queen?
  16. Are those questions enough?

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Quiz topic: Which Wof Pantala tribe am I from?
