Which Wings Of Fire Tribe Are You?

Hey everybody! I'm Turtle. You know, Tsunami's animus brother? I'm here for you to find out what tribe you belong in. Just a side note, these results are totally accurate. How do I know? Because I put a spell on the quiz to make it perfect. Okay, maybe I didn't do that. I asked Anemone to do it for me.

So, there are four questions. No wait, ten because Anemone said the spell wouldn't work with just four. Anyway, there are seven answers per question. The answers that you choose effect which tribe you are closest to. So, have fun!

Created by: Turtle
  1. What do your friends think of you as?
  2. Which color is the most appealing?
  3. What place is the best to live in?
  4. Which personality traits would you look for in an ally for the War of Sandwing Succession?
  5. If you could choose, what power would you have?
  6. What type of plant/tree do you like the best?
  7. What is the worst possible personality trait to describe you?
  8. What is the best pet?
  9. Which story genre is the most appealing?
  10. Final question: Where would you place a military base?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings Of Fire Tribe am I?
