You Meet Eclipse (A Quiz Based On The Sun And Moon Show)

You decide to visit the Daycare and meet Eclipse. This quiz is based on The Sun And Moon Show. I always thought Eclipse needed a little Love so I thought this quiz might be fun.

I hope you enjoy. This quiz took a little while but I still think that it turned out really good. Choose your answers wisely and let’s get started on this Quiz.

Created by: Lilly
  1. You enter the Mega Pizzaplex and decide to go to the Daycare. You enter through the doors and go to the security station to look at the computers. Suddenly you hear someone behind you. You slowly turn around and see Eclipse standing there. “Who are you? What are you doing here in the Daycare?”, asks. You answer…
  2. (No matter what you answered)”My name is Eclipse. And this Daycare is my home. So what are you doing here?”, he says looking at you You say…
  3. (If you say you’re happy that you came) He smiles and comes a step closer. “And why are you happy that you came?” You answer…
  4. (If you say you met someone handsome) He takes another step closer and then looks you straight in your eyes. “What’s your name?” You answer…
  5. (No matter what you answered) He steps closer and is now right in front of you. “I never met anyone like you.”, he whispered and kisses your neck gently. You…
  6. You hear a voice calling Eclipse and then he lets you go. “I think you should go now”, he says. You…
  7. (If you say that there aren’t a lot of other smart people) He laughs. “You are interesting. What’s your name?” You say…
  8. “You seem a lot smarter than most as well.”, he says and grins as well. Then you both hear someone calling Eclipse. Eclipse gives you a signal to leave. You…
  9. (If you tell him to stop looking at you) He annoyingly rolls his eyes. “Just shut up and get out.” You…
  10. Did you Enjoy?

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