What Miraculous Ladybug Character Are You?

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What Miraculous Character Are You? If you are wondering who you are in Miraculous Ladybug, then this is the quiz for you! From Marinette to Alya, this quiz is perfect for MLB fans!

Please enjoy the quiz, I have tried to make it accurate however I know it is a hard thing to do. If you liked it, please share it. If you disagree with a question, please comment the error. Thanks!

Created by: Marinette
  1. You see someone get bullied, what do you do?
  2. You are in high school and you forgot your homework and you are already late for school. What do you do?
  3. You see someone fall, what do you do?
  4. Choose an activity:
  5. Which describes you better?
  6. Pick a color:
  7. Where would you prefer to travel?
  8. If you had the choice to pick a kwami, which one would you choose?
  9. Let's say you have a miraculous. Who would be the first to know of your secret life?
  10. If you see a villain, you:
  11. Finally, who would you like to be? (This won't affect your answers.)

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Quiz topic: What Miraculous Ladybug Character am I?
