Warrior cats medicine cat love story part 1

Hi this is my first quiz so don’t get to mad if it not good I will make a part 2 sometime soon. Your a young calico she cat named Falconpaw who is the medicine cat of Dawnclan. You never had a mentor and your leader is Spot star

Your deputy is Feather wing and your mom is a Moon clan cat named Dragon eye and your dad is a Wild clan cat named Frog fur. Nettle pelt and Maple wing don’t come in until later so don’t be mad about it.

Created by: Blue rose of GoToQuiz
(your link here more info)
  1. You wake up in the morning to see your sister , widow paw, and your brother , cobra paw, staring at you. Falcon paw! How could you forget about today? Widow paw exclaimed. Today Spotstar is going to attack Windclan! Cobra paw finished. You look around camp, noticing Graywing and Silversplash staring at you. They are newly made warrior brothers and loved to be around you. Clan meeting! Spot star yowled. Who do you sit with?
  2. What ever you chose you hear Spot star yell. Wild clan has gone to far! We can’t trust them ever! All my strongest warriors will come with me and attack at once! As he speaks you see Silver splash walk up to you. If I am not chosen do you want me to help with herbs? He asks, his tail twitching nervously. You think
  3. Silver splash AND EVERYONE ELSE!(jealous vibes lol) got selected to the battle. You are now alone in camp with Feather wing and the dead queen Foxfire’s kits, as well as Sharp claw, who is an elder. As you head to your den you think about the other medicine cat apprentices. Maple paw of Sun clan, Nettle paw of Moon clan and Blue paw of Windclan. Blue paw was your best friend. Who do you go to meet with your time.(Heads up an all clans war is starting so you will have to meet with all of them to try to stop it)
  4. You head to the moon cave to meet with Blue paw, Maple paw and Nettle paw. Hey Falcon paw! Come sit with me! Maple paw mewed. Nettle paw glared at him and Blue paw rolled her eyes. So,,,,,,,, Blue paw started as Maple paw and Nettle paw started fighting. BRUH you think. We need to stop the war. Blue paw meowed. I vote go back to camp. The fighting seems to have stopped. Maple paw broke in. You all nodded. As you raced back to camp you felt Nettle paws tail brush against yours. You……..
  5. As you return to camp you see your clan mates all in tact. Wait a second,where is Spotstar? You think as you were about to to go….
  6. Sooooooooo, Spot star died in the battle. You were very sad but knew you have to move on. Feather wing will make a good leader and Mistwing will be a great deputy. Anyways……..
  7. Cliffhanger! Thanks for taking part I am sure my next one will be better sorry.This one was mainly just intro
  8. Which cat do you like the most? After this read there description on the next question,
  9. Maple paw is a ginger Tom with yellow eyes and a white patch on his chest. Nettle paw is a brown tabby Tom with yellow eyes and a dark paw. Silver splash is a long haired silver Tom with blue paws and a darker gray tail tip. Gray wing is a dark grey Tom with green eyes and blackish ears. Ok now answer the question again, which do you love most?
  10. What were your thoughts on part 1 of this series? Also should I make another Tom, if so there name will be hazel eye.

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