The Love Story of Rosedawn! Part 6!

So this is my last quiz in this series! This will not be my last love story after all! I am making one about your kit! Your kit could become a warrior or a medicine cat! Yes, there will now be a…MED CAT STORY! The next paragraph is useless.

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Created by: Froststream
  1. So, who is your mate? They’ll be known as *_______* from now on.
  2. And who do you like least? They’ll be known as X________X from now on.
  3. Let’s begin! This question doesn’t note have an affect.
  4. By the way, somehow you and the she-cats can have kits. So yeah.
  5. You feel a lurch in your belly as you walk on patrol. Probably your kits. *__________* (the cat you chose above) had been fussing over you, but you were able to get away on one border patrol. It was for the shortest stretch of territory, but you're just glad for some fresh air. Creeknose comes up to you."You better get back," she said. "I hear a storm coming." You nod, sighing, but you obey the to-be elder. When you enter camp, *__________* rushes up to you, licking you behind the ears. You:
  6. "Come on." *__________* ushers you to the nursery. The spacey cave gave a lot of room for you, so you don't even have to duck as you pass through the bushes sheltering the entrance. *__________* left, but he(or she!) came back soon with a piece of fresh-kill. You eat it and taste something strange in it. Looking closer, you see borage leaves! Remembering that they help give milk for nursing queens, you huff and give the mouse to Softbreeze, who gave birth to Raggedkit and Reedkit recently. Another queen, named Flowershade purrs over her only kit, Sandkit. You think:
  7. When you go out again to stretch, x________x comes over. "I heard about them. Congratulations." he says curtly, and stalks away. You watch him, but remember what happened last time between you and *________* and quickly turn away. You stretched like you were going to do and was about to walk in, but Vinestar called a meeting and you went to sit down, *________* next to you and x________x as far away from you as possible. Vinestar announces, like you've been guessing, that Creeknose will retire and become an elder. "Creeknose! Creeknose!" everyone cheers. It is soon raining and you go inside, lulled by the sound of the pit-patting rain and falling into a deep sleep. You dream of:
  8. (The next day) At *_______*’s insistion, you go to Troutwind’s den, many coughs shaking you. Troutwind looks up. "Everything alright?" "In my opinion, yes," you reply, "but *________* doesn't think so." You coughed again. "It's natural for him/her to be worried," Troutwind commented. "Here." He pushed a poultice towards you. "Coltsfoot and tansy. Eat it." You lap up the bitter herbs and return to your nest. Normally you would walk around in camp, to check on the cats, but today you were just weary and tired, and you started sleeping again, this time dreaming of nothing.
  9. (Take this question if your mate is either EAGLEHEART OR EVENINGBLAZE) When you wake up, you feel worse. Shudders run through your body. It isn't a cough this time. It's something else. You let out a wordless yowl of pain. Softbreeze fetched Troutwind while *_______* checked on you, then rushed to get moss. Thankfully, Troutwind came and gave you a stick. You shivered and squeezed the stick in your jaws as your first kit slid out, then the second. You thought it was over, but another shudder ran through you and a third kit came. "Congratulations," Peachlight said. "Two toms and a she-kit." *_________* came. "What will we name them, Rosedawn?" he(or she) asked. "Frostkit," you say, pointing your muzzle to a white tabby she-kit with teal eyes. "Finchkit." You flicked your tail to a brown tom-kit with amber eyes. "And this will be Ravenkit." *___________* turned to the last one, a smoky gray tom-kit, also with amber eyes. You purr, and he does the same. What kit do you like best?
  10. (TAKE THIS IF YOUR MATE IS MINTCLAW OR THISTLEFALL) When you wake up, you feel worse. Shudders run through your body. It isn't a cough this time. It's something else. You let out a wordless yowl of pain. Creeknose fetched Troutwind while *_______* checked on you, then rushed to get moss. Troutwind came and gave you a stick. You shivered and squeezed the stick in your jaws. Only one kit slid out of your belly and lay on the floor. Creeksong licked its fur the wrong way, and it began to breathe. "Congratulations," Peachlight said. “One tom-kit." *________* came. "What will we name him, Rosedawn?" he asked. You think for a bit. “Darkkit.” You purr, and he does the same. You think:
  11. And that’s the end! But…have no fear! There will be ONE FINAL SERIES! It all depends on who your mate is. Prepare for crushes, battles, and an epic prophecy to tie it all together!
  12. If your mate is Eagleheart or Eveningblaze, you will be playing as….Frostkit! Take: The Love Story of Froststream! Part 1! It will come out soon, on this profile page right here!
  13. If your mate is Thistlefall or Mintclaw, you will be playing as Darkkit. Obviously. He wants to become a medicine cat, but he has competition! To see what happens, take: The Love Story of Darkfeather! Part 1! This is also available on this profile page!
  14. I really hope you enjoy this! Froststream(formerly Emberflower) OUT!

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