The Love Story of Rosedawn! Part 5!

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So now we only have 4 love interests! Eagleheart, a shy golden tabby tom, Eveningblaze, a feisty blue-gray she-cat, Thistlefall, a dark gray and white tom, and Mintclaw, a brown she-cat with a ginger face, muzzle, and paws.

A new prophecy is rising. “Beware the misty fur and the traitor in the shine. Kin of the pink flame will form an even stronger flame, which will banish the darkness once and for all.” So…what will happen next?

Created by: Aspenspirit
  1. You remember last time right?
  2. Who is _______?
  3. You and ____ were sharing the squirrel you caught.
  4. When suddenly…
  5. A fox jumped out at you!
  6. You yowl for help but obviously everyone in camp knows. Thistlefall tries to help but Eagleheart gets there first.
  7. As you fight, you notice a big wound on your side from the fox. After the fox ran away, you suddenly felt exhausted, and collapsed on the ground. The last thing you see is your clanmates gathering around you and your eyes close.
  8. You blinked your eyes open to see a warrior in front of you that had stars in her fur. “Am I dead?” you ask. “No, Rosedawn. You still have a long future ahead of you.”
  9. She mews, “Beware the fur of mist and the traitor in the shine. Kin of the pink flame will form an even stronger flame, and the starry light will destroy the claws of blood once and for all...” The starry cat trails off. Some pink glowing thing flies on your paws. A bunch of swirls appear and everything fades away.
  10. Ok, so in the next quiz, it is….KIT TIME!!!! Guess your kit names!

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