The Love Story of Darkfeather! Part 2!

If you've done The Love Story of Darkfeather! Part 1!, you should know that…you will train as a medicine cat, here is your life as you train! Will you fall for the pretty she-cats! or will you remain sturdily a code-abiding medicine cat? Find out here!

If you haven't done The Love Story of Darkfeather! Part 1, this won't make sense please go and do it first. If you have, then continue. But if you want to be a warrior, you should be taking: The Love Story of Feathersong! Part 1! Just to remind you: Your name is Darkkit and you're a handsome white tom with black patches. You want to train as a medicine cat and that is your main interest.

  1. "Darkpaw! Darkpaw!" Your Clanmates yowl your name. You smile, glad that you are the medicine cat's apprentice. Your mentor Whiteberry looks proudly to you. "Come on," she says, “You need to learn herbs. First, let’s go together to the place where we gather herbs." With a thrill of joy you follow her out of camp. On your way out the attractive, hot, warrior apprentice Stormpaw, who is guarding the entrance, smiles at you. "Bye, Darkpaw," She says in a sweet voice. Good luck!" You:
  2. Once there Whiteberry shows you the Star Pool. When you finally arrive. She tells you to touch the pool lightly with your paw. You do and you dream about StarClan cats passing you herbs and knowledge, and you are using it to help your Clan. You are:
  3. As you head back, you think about:
  4. You come back to find Pumpkinpaw guarding. She smiles and waves. You:
  5. Later, Stormpaw comes up to you. "Hi, Darkpaw," he says. "Do you want to share this vole with me?" You love vole. You just nod, and then when Stormpaw has gone to find a good place Pumpkinpaw comes. She asks you the same thing, except she asks if you want to share a big mouse. Who do you eat with? And what prey? And why?
  6. Whoever you picked you end up eating in the sun with her. She licks your cheek and you:
  7. You are helping your mother give birth. Nobody expected this, and your mentor Whiteberry is helping another Clan with a serious poisoning problem. You help her by:
  8. Stormpaw and Pumpkinpaw get their warrior names, Stormpetal and Pumpkinfrost. You congratulate them by:
  9. (ONLY ANSWER THE NEXT COUPLE QUESTIONS IF YOU ASKED STORMPETAL OUT) “Absoluetly!” She replies. You walk along a path. Eventually, you lead her inside a cave. The cave walls were covered with sparkling green moss, and a few crystals lay in the cave.
  10. (ONLY ANSWER THIS IF YOU ASKED STORMPETAL OUT)You twine tails with her, and finally have the courage to admit something you’ve been feeling for a long time. “Stormpetal, I love you. Will you be my mate?” She looks shocked, and then answers. “Yes. Of course, I will.” You both purr.
  11. (ANSWER THIS QUESTION IF YOU ASKED STORMPETAL OUT) Yousmiled and thrust your muzzle into Stormpetal’s. You covered her face in licks for a long time. Then you moved down and started licking her belly fur. As you bent his muzzle to lick her again, Stormpetal licked your muzzle before you can lick her. "Stormpetal," You murmur. "Want to have kits together?" She eagerly nods. You continue to lick her belly fur. Eventually, you stop and both of you head back to camp,
  12. (ONLY ANSWER THIS IF YOU ASKED PUMPKINFROST OUT) “Yeah sure!” She replied. You take her to a pretty cave with crystals all over. Sparkling moss gleamed on the walls.
  13. (ONLY ANSWER THIS IF YOU ASKED PUMPKINFROST OUT) You twine tails with her, and find the courage to admit something you have been feeling for a long time. “I love you Pumpkinfrost!” You shout. She purrs. “Me too.” Soon, things happen and you head back to camp.
  14. And that’s it!

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