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- 2.4K
it is a quiz that talks about what plant you're …
- 4.3K
this quiz is all about how this next year is going to be for you. its based on your personality questions and your favorite stuff. your answer should be based n …
- 20.7K
What is your wolf personality? A kind loner? A loyal pack member? A protective Alpha? A scared outcast? Take the quiz now and find out! See what your results …
- 1.4KWhat Profession Will You be in GW2~ the chick version!2.92rated: 2.92/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 1.4K times3 comments
Guild Wars 2 is a new computer game coming soon. This is my totally unmapped, from the gut, random personality quiz. I …
- 1.3K
Would you rather? A classic game we Play vocally but now it's here in a quiz!! I hope you like my quiz! Please rate and/or comment! I want a cookie!! …
- 2.7K
Ya know the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? Well i agree.But unfortunately, a lot of people do and based on what vibe you are sending out, Your vibe …
- 1.9K
There are lots of crazy wacko people in this messed up world and most of them are dumb enough to wanna know there true color. and you are one of them ! …
- 3.9K
there are many nice people but few true friends! this quiz is so fun you will love it! this quiz will prove that you are a very nice person but in real maybe …
- 8.5KWhat race should you be in Guild Wars 2?2.96rated: 2.96/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 8.5K times2 comments
Guild Wars 2 releases in 2012. As interested gamers are tortured by the public development process we're not German enough to be a part of, we wait and dream. …
- 5.2KWhat GW2 Order are you?2.84rated: 2.84/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 5.2K times2 comments
I created a race and a profession quiz for GW2, and then I discovered that in our personal stories we are going to be expected to ally with one of these three …