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- 33.6K
Everybody thinks they are the best at Minecraft. But is everybody a true PRO? No. Only selected individuals are pros. A Minecraft pro is somebody who has skill, …
- 51.1K
This quiz is actually supposed to be called "Are you and your crush meant to be?" But, my friend messed up while typing it in...sorry! Anyway, I hope you enjoy …
- 1.1K
Okay so no one ever reads this but in you are this is my first story quiz but you will read that in the first question so this is a pointless fifteen second of …
- 21.3K
this quiz tell is youu what job you were born to do . singer, actor, clothes designer, cook/baker, doctor/nurse, athlete, artist ??? Which one is so …
- 7.8K
Did anyone ever say "Wow. You look a lot like Princess Jasmine!" Or "You look a lot like Belle." Well, heres your chance to find out what princess you look …
- 4.4K
Learning a language has many benefits such as job employment, improving your mother tongue and giving you more people to talk to. Learning a language is also …
- 2.8K
Do you just keep doing the same thing with your life day after day after day after day? Are you feeling like your life is incomplete, although you have tons of …
- 11.4K
This is a quiz about what lies behind your eyes. They say you eyes say a whole lot, even though you don't say it. People can tell if your lying or if you …
- 29.8K
This quiz tells you who your true boyfriend from one direction is also how well you know them this quiz will maybe lighten up your day if you get the one …
- 1.5K
This Quiz Is About Weapons And What Weapons Suit You The Best. …