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- 1.2K
This is... YOUR FLIRTING GAME PART 5!! Sorry if the story is boring, but I have part 6 planned out and it is juicy!! So stay tuned!! …
- 25.8K
this quiz is mindless behavior its to see which mindless behavior boy is right for you each question will tell weather you are perfect for either prodigy,roc …
- 1.4K
There are a lot of people who have read the hunger games, but very little can actually remember what happened in the books. Afterall, the book is fast paced and …
- 94.8K
This quiz is made for girls only. In these 20 questions I will tell you if you are pretty or not. Answer honestly and the answer should be correct. …
- 20.7K
People Know who they are. Or do they? In minutes, you can see what people think of you. I'm not promising it's going to be accurate... but, it could be fun! …
- 1.9K
Hey soo take this quiz please and umm have fun! Some questions can be a little shallow sounding but trust me im not!!! This is also dating advice for ya guys! …
- 1.5K
- 29.2K
First of all, this quiz was made for people under the age of 20 who still live with their parents. If you're older than that, it might not work as well. …
- 53.1K
American Horror Story follows the Harmon family, Ben, Vivien, and Violet, who move from Boston to Los Angeles after …
- 11.8K
Great Job Its great to know people are interested in finding out who this quiz finds you most alike to the celebrities that have been chosen Thank You …