do you know your music?

There are people who LOVE music (me) and there are people who hate music ( not me) haha give this quiz a try! I,mean you never know untill you take a crack at it.

Are you a music genius? Are you not? Test your skillz out with this test and i promis the results are accurate. Please try it for my sake!!!!! Please!

Created by: gabby

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Finnish this. "but darlin I'd still catch a:
  2. Finnish this. " you might feel the paper:
  3. Finnish this. " can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars i could really use a:
  4. Finnish this. " its too late to:
  5. Finnish this. " so shut your eyes, kiss me goodnight and:
  6. Finnish this." Im still alive but im barly:
  7. Finnish this."i kissed a girl and i:
  8. Who is the king of rock and roll?
  9. Who is the king of pop?
  10. Who sings "jar of hearts?"

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Quiz topic: Do I know my music?