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- 5.2K
In a person's life, most of the time spent is with other fellow people. In front of them, it is inevitable to have wear …
- 2.4K
This isn't the copy if the other two flirting games. It was a brilliant from 54packers and I wanted to make my own series. Thank you 54packers! Oh and take her …
- 1.5K
Hiya peeps! Welcome to your flirting game part 2!!! Take part 1 before this or your results will he too confusing. Ok? Oh and what you do is you pick who you …
- 1.6K
I dont care! i just wanna get this quiz created and over with!! Do y'all even care about results? well, just take this quiz and find out! okay?? ttfn! …
- 2.9K
When the time is right, will you fin true love or pass it by? The choices you are making today are affecting your future, but are they affecting for good or …
- 7.2K
Severus Snape is the most feared teacher at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But what would Snape think if you went to Hogwarts? Why not find out? …
- 5.4K
What fairy tale would you belong in? From the romantic love story of a damsel in distress and daring prince, to an adventurous hero, to the evil witch! …
- 3K
There are many people who get dated by some boy of girl,are you one of them.Take this quiz to see weather someone will ever date you.Start improving if no. …
- 154K
In some parts of the world, it is believed that each person is born with a Animal Spirit. The Animal Spirit is there to guide you your whole life. Question is, …
- 1.8K
Everyone has a colour deep down within their soul,heart and mind. By answering these questions you will find your colour and your quality.This quiz is not …