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- 1.7K
Many people have big fall outs with their friends then say that they hate them and they are a rubbish friends. May of them people then regret it. Those people …
- 1.6K
Figuring out how stupid you are is kinda imporant... don't you think??? Well i do, thats why I made this qiuz. A few questions mught seem purposeless to you but …
- 5K
Quick! QUICK! How many seconds have you left to live? Many, many quizzes will tell you how long you have to live, but none with such precise accuracy as this. …
- 2.1K
There are many mythical creatures. Want to know whitch one you are? Are you a Dragon? Siren? Hipogriff or Griffin? Unicorn or Pegasus? or a Peonix? …
- 3K
Many people make quizzes claiming to tell you how you will die. But, what they never do is tell you how you will react to your death. Many things in your life …
- 1.2K
Do you like to PARTY? Find out HERE! …
- 8.4K
Different people have different tastes. As the saying goes, "One man's meat is another man's poison" so what i like, the dude sitting next to me may not like …
- 2.4K
There are 10 Disney Princesses! Rapunzel, Pocahontas, Mulan, Princess Jasmine, Snow White, Princess Tiana, Belle, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. Each is …
- 26.2K
Everyone should have atleast 1 secret admirer. Want to find out who your secret admirer just might be? Then take this …
- 16.7K
There are many little spirits in this word including baby's so take this quiz and find out what your baby's name and even gender and what age you'll have them …