Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Is Your Character a Mary Sue?
I used my character Florian Alderwood, (got 9% with him) he was raised in a nuclear biracial family, (french father and a black mother,) as an only child! His parents split up when he was eight and he was raised mostly by his mom. His parents primarily spoke French when Florian was a child and so he learned that first, but hes fluent in English too, (learned it from his mom after his parents split up.) but now has an accent that he definitely plays up because he thinks its sexy. Hes a bit above average intelligence-wise, but really isnt a very morally correct person. He goes to Cambridge for college, and meets his boyfriend, Anton, there. Anton is even more of an a--hole than florian, but florian is good at socializing and Anton isnt. Florian wants to move back to the states, and Anton agrees, so the pair move. Florian finds out that Anton has a hell of a grudge on a lawyer there, and so Florian decides to help him out with that. Now, Florian is an insufferable flirt and is extremely flashy all of the time, but this lawyers partner is doubly obnoxious, and the lawyer is sick of it. So in flounces Florian, decides to sleep with the guy, and then poisons him! A dash of arsenic in the vodka. He calls up Anton, who shoots the other guy, and Anton and Florian take off, crossing as many police jurisdictions as possible. Unfortunately for their master plan, having sex with someone tends to leave DNA. And Florians DNA was already in the system for a minor offense a few years earlier, so it really didnt take too long for them to get caught. Florian was charged with accessory to murder, (it really was Antons plan, Florian was just willing to do the dirty work for him,) and he gets charged with 2 years in the psych ward and 8 in the state penitentiary. Hes quite persuasive, however, and gets out on parole after 5. He never goes on to offend again, and just works white collar jobs for the rest of his life! Hes a fun little prick.
I got 11% for one, and 15% for the other, which is pretty good in my opinion.
The first is 25 year old Aarin Estrada. He has medium length black hair, green eyes, is 6'2", and Hispanic. He's very smart, but is also lazy, and it's hard to get him motivated if he's in a depressive state. He has suicidal thoughts and self-destructive behaviors (unsafe driving, sleeping with many people, self-harm). His mother died from cancer a few years before the story starts, and his father has dementia and is in a nursing home. He works part time as a sort-of investigator. Aarin houses the second character, Keith Williams.
Keith is 21 years old (only a year older than me), and has messy black hair and blue eyes. He's 5'5", and is half-Korean, half-English. He's hardworking, but is also childish and irresponsible. He can also be very violent under stress. Keith lived on the streets until Aarin helped him. He was molested for years by someone who took care of him, and is has a fear of intimacy because of it (genophobia). He's helping Aarin with his cases. They end up growing close while working on one case that has to do with how Keith ended up on the street. A lot of the story is centered around how they both help "fix" what's bad about the other (Keith and his distrust of everyone, and Aarin with his self-hatred).
I've had these characters for a few years and they mean a lot to me, so I'm glad they don't sound to cliche, lol.
My character was male so I don't know if that affected the score at all but I did get 14% I think I would have gotten lower if I didn't say he had a tragic incurable disease. I only said that because he has sickle cell disease, which can make you go blind or lose your vision in severe cases, which is why I needed him to have it because he starts losing vision around the age of 15 and I didn't want it to be for a random reason. His name is souls and he's from a universe I made up with a whole giant story-line. Basically, everybody has their own unique ability called a Soul Fire and some people have more powerful soul fires, these people are called destines or, destiny's, souls is a destiny and that's there are prophecies about him (And every other destiny) and that doesn't mean he's royalty either because he gets forced into purgatory for accidentally killing of half of the Kalidathian army, (Tee side in a war fighting for magic rights) and now he's forced to live on an asteroid in space big enough to have an atmosphere. Later on in the story, he does get infected by a darkness parasite, a thing that comes from the darkness, a powerful force slowly eating off the universe. (Basically, every villain in the story is a result of darkness) and so now he is slowly losing control of his own body as the darkness begins to take over his mind. When he does go fully mad, he ends up starting a "Revolution" that kills off 20% of the population of the known universe. After a while, he does end up getting killed by a huge chunk of ice smashing him so. kArMa HaHa. Souls was a very optimistic person before he was infected after he was very cruel and even attempted killing his apprentices caretaker. And basically after his death, the universe starts to go downhill, one by one each destiny dies off leaving one left who gets frozen by darkness and flung to a nearby planet, long story short the darkness wins and destroys that universe, creating the one we're in today!
Caminged0 -
I got 16% Mary Sue, and I honestly thought it'd be higher.
Basically, my character is a wolf named Abilene. She's tiny and has a high-pitched voice even though she's 35, and always says it's because of her breed. She's an amazing healer, but also blind. She has special fireflies, their light changes color when it lands on something, so she can see it. The fireflies respond and do what she says. She has no unnatural colors or anything like that. My story involves some other characters, like Dakota and Skull who are German brothers that admire her skill. Natalie and Natalia who are twins, Natalie is really stupid, but Natalia is mute so can't really speak up against the retarded things she says. There's also Starla and Mocha, who aren't really main characters but appear in every other scene since they're her neighbors. Abilene is continuously shipped with Mocha by Starla, and Abilene is always extremely disgusted by it. Mocha is a pup and Abilene looks like a pup so... God, okay. This is too long, lemme just- Bye.
Huh, I was honestly expecting more of a Mary-Sue score on her.
Her names Nightshade, shes an artificial dragon (most characters are dragons or serpents in this universe) who was created by a spell cast by a Night-Dragon named Moonstone, who was basically raised in poverty and started a cult to get revenge on the wealthy, so the idea was that shed create Nightshade as a killing machine who could convey blood into magical power, and was incapable of feeling empathy.
That didnt work though, because the spell was interrupted by the Queen of the Wyverns, thus, Nightshade turned into this weird dragon who sort of wanted to kill everyone she saw, but also didnt and just wanted friends, so shes constantly battling this bloodthirsty side of her that she hates and loves at the same time, shes socially awkward, and occasionally snaps and kills people in the night, no big deal, her descriptions kind of overly edgy, but I think it makes sense because her creators wanted her to look intimidating. Shes also a teenager because I wanted her to be. I admit that was kind of a Mary-Sue-ish choice on my part.
So yeah, Im surprised I only got 27%
11% for my Doll Maker Blake! I was worried that the fact that he's a modern character who tries to be a princely gentleman but in all honesty is just a big overly emotional idiot...
I did this for my spidersona and god 18%, probably based off all the questions that were like does your character look like you/ same age/ same name, from a different universe like yes yes yes because thats the whole point of the spidersonas lmao
This was for my 17 year old charater named Silvia, she was abandoned on October 14, 2004 when she was a baby at a orphanage, she had a traumatic childhood and is a killer, she carries a chainsaw around and s--- too. It turns out shes 27% a f---ing mary sue, but whatever, i still care about her either way
Okay, 25%, 1/4 Mary Sue, Nice.
The OC I Used For This Quiz Was Starlit Imai, The Ultimate Puppeteer. She Is A Fan Character For Danganronpa. Starlit Is The Mastermind Of Her Own Killing Game, 'Danganronpa F;War Is Forever!'. Ill Get Into The Name Later, Sense It Has a Meaning. Anyways, Starlit Has White Hair And Pale Brown Eyes. Shes More A Stylish Person, But Not Too Cocky. Ofc, Shes Rude Or Sassy When Needed, But Not Usually In An Unnecessary Sense. While Her Past Isnts Exactly Tragic, Her Mastermind Version Itself Is Very Unstable And So Is The Reason She Started A Killing Game. The Reason Why Is(This Takes Place After V3); The World Has Practically Started Going To War After DR Ended, And Fighting Is Going Around. Starlit Decides To Stall This, Making A Killing Game Not Only To Satifisy Humab Society, But also To Openly Explain Why They Shouldnt Fight, But Will Anyways. You See, Starlit Has Truly Fallen Into Despair At This Point In Time, She Knows That Hope And Despair Will Constantly Clash, And That The World Will Always Be At War. She Simply Started WIF To Show Everybody Why The Government And Earth Itself Is Lost Forever In A Final Attempt To "Save" Them All. This Is Why I Thought Id Get A Higher Score Using Her, Because this Is A Real Gamechanger Sense Shes Pretty Much Another Depressed OC People Frown Upon. Btw, This Is What The Name Of Her Game Was Based On. "War Is Forever" Points To Her Losing Faith And Not Believing Humans Can Change. The F In "Danganronpa;F" Means Two Words. "Finish" And "Forever". This Is Because Hope Vs. Despair Will Never End And This Is The Final Killing Game(In Her Timeline).
In Conclusion, I Love Danganronpa, Lol.
I've done this test many times for the same OC I kept changing and for her final results I got 20% she is officially done, yes quite bland as she is not a fan character but I like it that way :)
I got 23%, I mean my OC is kind of a mary sue, I mean, she got injured at the end of my story, but she is really smart and she is really pretty- i wish i looked like her :
I'm disappointed... I went out of my way to make the Mary Sue to end all Mary Sues as a joke and it only gave me 94%... Should have been 100%, guess I'll have to find the cutting it down by 6% factor...
Hi! I got a 13% for my OC, Visby! My problem with this quiz is that none of it applies to Visby. Because they use they/them pronouns. I know it seems like a silly complaint, but for future reference, maybe instead of saying he or she constantly, try out they/them!
I got a 25% and wow my Oc pici she is a smol cat/cow bean and...i kinda wish that i didn't chose her for the quiz SoOoOo here is here backstory: pici is half cat half cow her mother left her on the side of a river a small frog named doie foud her and the her to his shack there she learned how to hunt and swim,when she was eghtteen she left to speak o the wise men and saw her own care taker die to a rock...and thats all i can remember..
sorry i can't spell
How are the results calculated? Are the lower results indicators of Mary Sues or are the higher ones in this figure the ones? I am curious to know. I have got a 12% and it said I had created a Mary Sue.
I retook the quiz and picked the most Mary-Sue upturns I could think of and got about 81%, which it said that a Mary-Sue was on the loose. Id say that the higher the percentage, the higher of a Mary-Sue it is.
Uh i guess 30% isn't bad? I did think it would be higher... my characters name is logan. They are about 18 in human years, shaggy purple hair, purple eyes, and half human/half angel. As a child his dad had to run away with him as the angels hunted them down because cross species breeding was bad (His father was an archangel). They found a place in "heaven" to hide for a while. Anyway, they were caught before he turned 10 and the dad was killed, and the kids wings were ripped off, throwing him to earth. He was taken in by a friend (now bf) and yeah. Now hes fighting alongside them.
uh im bad at making ocs but my oc was just a chef thats a vampire so he cant taste his food but is really good at cooking. i just quickly made a info thing for him but i might change.
I used one of my 130 something OCs. She a gay Jewish female Marine and is definitely way prettier than the average person. 6% Mary Sue. I guess she does have a lot of flaws.
I got 45% on the quiz and I used myself as the character >~< I took the test because I thought it was a personality test XD But I don't actually know what a Mary Sue is. So is having 45% good or bad?
lol i got like 23% or something, the mc of my story is a guy named niko and admittedly his history is a bit of a clich: his mother had an affair while married and he has an older half-brother named quentin that wasnt an affair child, nikos mother admitted to her husband that she had an affair but they didnt divorce because her husband wanted quentin to have two parents in his life so niko was either ignored or treated like garbage for most of his childhood, and the inciting incident of the story occurs when quentin is 10 and niko is 8. quentin attempts to strangle niko because recently his father moved to taking his anger out on him, so he figures if the source of his anger (nikos existence) was gone, then his dad would like him again. he chickens out and the incident traumatizes them both, yay! growing up quentin resented niko and constantly tormented him at school, he would physically harm him, spread rumors, etc etc so niko was a complete loner as he grew up. quentin grew out of bullying niko, even started becoming protective of him and genuinely loves him but his treatment caused niko to develop a deep resentment for him and for the foreseeable future, hes pretty much solely focused on making his brother suffer like he did. niko makes a few friends but ends up using them for a revenge scheme against quentin (niko is a TERRIBLE PERSON and betrays the only people who gave a s--- about him because hes a petty piece of s---), he ends up beating the crap out of one of quentins friends after he saw him stealing stuff out of quentins locker and frames an innocent girl for cheating just to inconvenience quentin (the girl wasnt even his girlfriend). other than that hes got a napoleon complex (56 guys rise up) and severe antisocial personality disorder. the story is basically about how niko is a horrible person and repeatedly refuses the kindness others offer to him
seacole1 -
i got 29%
my oc is a fanmade mha oc his name is remedy his quirk is dragon which allows the user to fly and breath fire like a dragon it only occurs in 1 in a 100 people and he was lucky to get it when remedy's mom found out she didnt like it she had a thing with kids were they whould always hate her and she thought the same for her son 9 months later he was born and she gave him a few years of trauma till he was 4 then she snapped and trued to gauge his eyes out leaveing him blind till this day he has ptsd and trust issues his adopted dad is kirishima
I got an 11% for my OC, Vision. She is a fortune teller and can predict things based by how people look at her not in her direction, though because that overwhelms her abilities.
I got 19% and that's OK, she used to be a Mary Sue, but then I decided her to NOT be the chosen one and be narcisstic and that changed everything.
Nutxie2 -
The OC I used for this is An alien who can shapeshift, his name is Orion Agara. He has purple skin and white hair because he (doesnt know yet) is the son of Lotor (he is a Voltron OC) hes hated because his primary race is galra, and he got a 27%
I took this with my sister using her persona from many years ago. She got 69%. I absolutely hated that mary sue character, but she always got mad when I called her a mary sue. She lived in the undertale universe and was dating sans. It was god-awful.